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如何在 SwiftUI 中为文本视图设置动画?

[英]How to animate a Text view in SwiftUI?

I would like to animate a Text view whenever it is conditionally presented or removed based upon a state variable.我想在基于 state 变量有条件地呈现或删除文本视图时为其设置动画。

I've tried, to no avail我试过了,没有用

struct AnimatedText: View {
  @State var showingText = false
  var body: some View {
    VStack {

      if showingText {
        Text("Hello world")
          .animation(.easeInOut, value: showingText)
      Button("Toggle") {

How can I animate the Text view?如何为文本视图设置动画?

Appear/disappear is animated by container, so you need to place Text into some container and make it animatable, like出现/消失是由容器动画的,因此您需要将Text放入某个容器并使其具有动画效果,例如

var body: some View {
  VStack {

    VStack {
      if showingText {
        Text("Hello world")
    }.animation(.easeInOut, value: showingText)     // << here !!

    Button("Toggle") {

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