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使用 Scala 工具箱是否可以定义一个案例 class 并稍后将其用于评估代码?

[英]Using Scala Toolbox is it possible to define a case class and use it later into eval code?

I would like to give the case class definition to the Toolbox and be able to use them later when I do the eval.我想将案例 class 定义提供给工具箱,以便稍后在进行评估时使用它们。 The Toolbox should be able to know the definitions of the case classes.工具箱应该能够知道案例类的定义。

For example, I am able to define a case class named Authentication with args email例如,我可以使用 args email 定义一个名为 Authentication 的案例 class

      import scala.reflect.runtime._
      import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
      import scala.tools.reflect.ToolBox
      val cm = universe.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
      val toolBox = cm.mkToolBox()
      val myClass: ClassDef = q"case class Authentication(email: String)".asInstanceOf[ClassDef]
      val definedClass  = toolBox.define(myClass)

It prints class Authentication Then I would like to recall it into my Eval expression and match it它打印class Authentication然后我想将它召回到我的 Eval 表达式中并匹配它

  val myCode =
    q""" def myFunction(x:Any){
       x match{
        case Authentication(param) => println("Auth received!")


But it tells me, Authentication was not found.但它告诉我,找不到身份验证。 Any idea of how to accomplish it?知道如何完成它吗?

Since .apply and .unapply are methods of companion object, you missed .companion similarly to Scala reflection: how do I define a case class at runtime and then reference to it?由于.apply.unapply是伴随 object 的方法,因此您错过了.companion类似的.companion 反射:如何在运行时定义案例 class 并引用它


val myCode =
    def myFunction(x: Any) = {
      x match{
        case ${definedClass.companion}(param) => println("Auth received!")


toolBox.eval(myCode) // toolBox.eval(myCode)

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