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当一个 div 位于另一个 div 之上时显示文本

[英]Appear text when one div is on top of the other

I am trying to make some kind of "game" and what I want to do is to when I move around a div, to get notified when the moving red div is on top of the static green div.我正在尝试制作某种“游戏”,我想做的是当我在 div 周围移动时,当移动的红色 div 位于 static 绿色 div 的顶部时得到通知。

By "notified" I mean setting the paragraphs display property to "block" or even my a console.log(), it's not that important how I get the message. “通知”是指将段落显示属性设置为“阻止”甚至我的 console.log(),我如何获取消息并不重要。

PS: You can move around the red block with your up,left,right,down arrows. PS:您可以使用上、左、右、下箭头在红色块周围移动。

Here's my code:这是我的代码:

 var keys = {}; keys.UP = 38; keys.LEFT = 37; keys.RIGHT = 39; keys.DOWN = 40; /// store reference to character's position and element var character = { x: 100, y: 100, speedMultiplier: 2, element: document.getElementById("character") }; /// key detection (better to use addEventListener, but this will do) document.body.onkeyup = document.body.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } var kc = e.keyCode || e.which; keys[kc] = e.type == 'keydown'; }; /// character movement update var moveCharacter = function(dx, dy){ character.x += (dx||0) * character.speedMultiplier; character.y += (dy||0) * character.speedMultiplier; character.element.style.left = character.x + 'px'; character.element.style.top = character.y + 'px'; }; /// character control var detectCharacterMovement = function(){ if ( keys[keys.LEFT] ) { moveCharacter(-5, 0); } if ( keys[keys.RIGHT] ) { moveCharacter(5, 0); } if ( keys[keys.UP] ) { moveCharacter(0, -5); } if ( keys[keys.DOWN] ) { moveCharacter(0, 5); } }; /// update current position on screen moveCharacter(); /// game loop setInterval(function(){ detectCharacterMovement(); }, 1000/24);
 #character { position: absolute; width: 42px; height: 42px; background: red; z-index:99; } #container{ width: 250px; height: 250px; background: black; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } #character2{ position:absolute; width:50px; height:50px; background-color: yellowgreen; top:50px; left:50px; } #notifier{ display:none; }
 <div id="container"> <div id="character"></div> <div id="character2"></div> </div> <p id="notifier"> Red div is on top of the yellow div</p>

I have adapted this answer so that the message is displayed when the red div is on top of the other:我已经调整了这个答案,以便在红色div位于另一个顶部时显示消息:

 var keys = {}; keys.UP = 38; keys.LEFT = 37; keys.RIGHT = 39; keys.DOWN = 40; /// store reference to character's position and element var character = { x: 100, y: 100, speedMultiplier: 2, element: document.getElementById("character") }; var is_colliding = function(div1, div2) { var d1_height = div1.offsetHeight; var d1_width = div1.offsetWidth; var d1_distance_from_top = div1.offsetTop + d1_height; var d1_distance_from_left = div1.offsetLeft + d1_width; var d2_height = div2.offsetHeight; var d2_width = div2.offsetWidth; var d2_distance_from_top = div2.offsetTop + d2_height; var d2_distance_from_left = div2.offsetLeft + d2_width; var not_colliding = d1_distance_from_top <= div2.offsetTop || div1.offsetTop >= d2_distance_from_top || d1_distance_from_left <= div2.offsetTop || div1.offsetLeft >= d2_distance_from_left; return;not_colliding; }, /// key detection (better to use addEventListener. but this will do) document.body.onkeyup = document.body.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.preventDefault) { e;preventDefault(). } else { e;returnValue = false. } var kc = e.keyCode || e;which. keys[kc] = e;type == 'keydown'; }, /// character movement update var moveCharacter = function(dx. dy){ character.x += (dx||0) * character;speedMultiplier. character.y += (dy||0) * character;speedMultiplier. character.element.style.left = character;x + 'px'. character.element.style.top = character;y + 'px'. if(is_colliding(character,element. document.getElementById("character2"))) { document.getElementById("notifier").style;display = "block". } else { document.getElementById("notifier").style;display = "none"; } }. /// character control var detectCharacterMovement = function(){ if ( keys[keys,LEFT] ) { moveCharacter(-5; 0). } if ( keys[keys,RIGHT] ) { moveCharacter(5; 0). } if ( keys[keys,UP] ) { moveCharacter(0; -5). } if ( keys[keys,DOWN] ) { moveCharacter(0; 5); } }; /// update current position on screen moveCharacter(); /// game loop setInterval(function(){ detectCharacterMovement(), }; 1000/24);
 #character { position: absolute; width: 42px; height: 42px; background: red; z-index:99; } #container{ width: 250px; height: 250px; background: black; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } #character2{ position:absolute; width:50px; height:50px; background-color: yellowgreen; top:50px; left:50px; } #notifier{ display:none; }
 <div id="container"> <div id="character"></div> <div id="character2"></div> </div> <p id="notifier"> Red div is on top of the yellow div</p>

function checkCollision(rect, character) {
    if (rect.x < character.x + character.width &&
        rect.x + rect.width > character.x &&
        rect.y < character.y + character.height &&
        rect.height + rect.y > character.y) {
        //do something

This function evaluates if two rectangles are colliding, but you need to provide the width and height for each game entity.此 function 评估两个矩形是否发生碰撞,但您需要为每个游戏实体提供宽度和高度。

You can also use getComputedStyle() to get the css values.您还可以使用getComputedStyle()获取 css 值。

But if you really want to do a game, you probably should restart using a game engine like Phaser for example.但是如果你真的想做一个游戏,你可能应该使用像Phaser这样的游戏引擎重新启动。

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