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在 UTM 机器 M1 MacBook 上运行 Metasploitable 时出现问题

[英]Problem Running Metasploitable on UTM machine M1 MacBook

I have an issue installing and or running Metasploitable on UTM machine on MacBook M1.我在 MacBook M1 上的 UTM 机器上安装和/或运行 Metasploitable 时遇到问题。 I should have see a login screen instead i got this.我应该看到一个登录屏幕,而不是我得到了这个。

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

I hope someone is able to help me.我希望有人能够帮助我。


I also would like assistance with this, Installing Metasploit in UTM via emulation does not seem to work.我也需要这方面的帮助,通过仿真在 UTM 中安装 Metasploit 似乎不起作用。 Please assist请协助

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