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在 POST 请求中向正文添加参数

[英]Add parameters to the body in a POST request

I have a project in Node JS and Typescript in which I am using the tsoa module.我在 Node JS 和 Typescript 中有一个项目,我在其中使用tsoa模块。

The functionality is to receive a JSON by POST to create a URL and obtain information from those parameters.功能是通过POST接收JSON以创建 URL 并从这些参数中获取信息。

I have created the POST controller that receives a JSON object with the necessary parameters, what I need to know is how do I insert the JSON in the POST request? I have created the POST controller that receives a JSON object with the necessary parameters, what I need to know is how do I insert the JSON in the POST request?

This is the controller:这是 controller:

    import { Controller, Get, Post, Body, Response, Route, SuccessResponse, Tags } from 'tsoa';


interface genericData {
    [key: string]: any;

interface DataTest extends genericData {
    dataTest: string,
    insTest: string,
    serTest: string

export class TestApiController extends Controller {

     @SuccessResponse(200, 'Success')
     async testFilter(@Body() insKeys: DataTest): Promise<string> {
         try {
             return Promise.resolve('test');
         } catch (error) {
             return Promise.reject(error);

This is an example of the JSON object I'm trying to pass to it:这是我试图传递给它的 JSON object 的示例:

let data: DataTest = {
  "dataTest": "data1,data2,data3",
  "insTest": "ins1,ins2,ins3",
  "serTest": "ser1,ser2,ser3"

With model as...与 model 作为...

model.ts model.ts

interface GenericData {
  [key: string]: any;

export interface DataTest extends GenericData {
  dataTest: string;
  insTest: string;
  serTest: string;

and controller as...和 controller 作为...

controller.ts controller.ts

import { Controller, Post, Body, Route, SuccessResponse } from 'tsoa';
import { DataTest } from './model';

export class TestApiController extends Controller {

  @SuccessResponse(200, 'Success')
  async testFilter(@Body() insKeys: DataTest): Promise<string> {
    try {
      return Promise.resolve('test');
    } catch (error) {
      return Promise.reject(error);

The following request succeeds for me...以下请求对我来说成功......

fetch('/api/test/ins', {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
        "dataTest": "data1,data2,data3",
        "insTest": "ins1,ins2,ins3",
        "serTest": "ser1,ser2,ser3"
    headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

With console log written as...控制台日志写成...

{"dataTest":"data1,data2,data3","insTest":"ins1,ins2,ins3","serTest":"ser1,ser2,ser3"} {"dataTest":"data1,data2,data3","insTest":"ins1,ins2,ins3","serTest":"ser1,ser2,ser3"}

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