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如何在 Circom 中通过引用传递 function 参数?

[英]How to pass function argument by reference in Circom?

How to pass function argument by reference in the circom circuit language ?如何在circom电路语言中通过引用传递function参数?

I'm trying to do the following:我正在尝试执行以下操作:

pragma circom 2.0.0;

function increment(foo) {

template MyTemplate() {
    signal input a;
    signal output b;

    var foo;
    foo = 0;


    // ...

component main = MyTemplate();

I expect log(pos) to output 1, but I'm getting 0. Is there a certain way I need to pass pos into increment so that it can modify the variable by reference?我希望log(pos)到 output 1,但我得到 0。有没有某种方法我需要将pos传递给increment ,以便它可以通过引用修改变量?

I decided to use the C preprocessor to generate circom code, so now I have:我决定使用 C 预处理器来生成 circom 代码,所以现在我有:

    cpp -P maintpl.circom > main.circom

in my Makefile在我的 Makefile


#define increment(foo) foo++

in my circom code.在我的circom代码中。

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