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Redshift 联合查询错误:超时过期代码:2500

[英]Redshift Federated Query error: timeout expired code: 2500

After having created a 'Federated Schema' to access a remote RDS instance (different AWS account but VPC Peered ):创建“联合架构”以访问远程 RDS 实例(不同的 AWS 账户但VPC Peered )后:

DATABASE 'popstgres_db' SCHEMA 'public'
URI 'my.host.com'
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::1223456789:role/MyRole'
SECRET_ARN 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:my-region-1:1223456789:secret:my/secret';

I try to test it with a simple Federated Query:我尝试用一个简单的联合查询来测试它:

FROM federated_schema.my_table

But after some waiting I get the following error message:但经过一段时间的等待,我收到以下错误消息:

error: timeout expired code: 2500

The error message doesn't really help as I already checked there is connection between the relative 2 VPCs hosting the relative services.该错误消息并没有真正帮助,因为我已经检查了托管相关服务的相关 2 个 VPC 之间是否存在连接。

What is the problem here?这里有什么问题?

As noted in this Enhanced VPC document https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/redshift-enhanced-vpc-routing/如本增强型 VPC 文档https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/redshift-enhanced-vpc-routing/ 中所述

To determine whether you should enable Amazon Redshift enhanced VPC routing, consider the following use cases:要确定是否应启用 Amazon Redshift 增强型 VPC 路由,请考虑以下使用案例:

[...]Federated queries to private Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instances located in a peered VPC. [...]对位于对等 VPC 中的私有 Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) 实例的联合查询。

So it is necessary to enable Enhanced VPC Routing on your Redshift Cluster:因此有必要在您的 Redshift 集群上启用增强型 VPC 路由:

from Console → Clusters → wr-dwh-staging → Properties → Network and security settings → Edit → Enhanced VPC routing)从控制台→集群→wr-dwh-staging→属性→网络和安全设置→编辑→增强的VPC路由)

After enabling it the Federated Query started working启用后,联合查询开始工作

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