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Rmarkdown 不在 PDF 侧面板中生成书签列表

[英]Rmarkdown is not generating bookmarks's list in PDF side panel

I'm using RStudio in Ubuntu with Rmarkdown and Knitr to generated a PDF file output.我在 Ubuntu 中使用 RStudio 和 Rmarkdown 和 Knitr 来生成 PDF 文件 Z7836221F398CE1D

Until an hour ago my pdf files where being generated with the bookmarks list in the pdf side panel.直到一个小时前,我的 pdf 文件是使用 pdf 侧面板中的书签列表生成的。 Now this stopped being done and only the TOC in the first page is being generated.现在这停止了,只生成第一页中的 TOC。

Any hints on what may be happening here?关于这里可能发生的事情的任何提示? Is there any config or tweak that I should do?我应该做任何配置或调整吗?

My YAML header is as follows:我的 YAML header 如下:

title: "Cálculo"
author: "Gustavo Mirapalheta"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
    number_sections: true
    toc: true
    toc_depth: 4
subtitle: Uma Abordagem Computacional
documentclass: report
header-includes: \usepackage{float} \graphicspath{{./imagens/}} \usepackage[brazil]{babel} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{alphalph} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{supertabular} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{hhline} \usepackage{soul, color}  \definecolor{codegray}{rgb}{0.93,0.93,0.93} \sethlcolor{codegray} \usepackage{Sweavel}
link-citations: yes
nocite: |
  @canale, @demidovitch, @dirac, @nielsen, @mcmahon, @strang1
- books.bib
- packages.bib
biblio-style: apalike

Sorry guys, I was not looking at the right place in the pdf viewer.抱歉,我没有在 pdf 查看器中查看正确的位置。 Must be getting old... I didn't find in the stackoverflow interface the option to just delete my question, this is why it remains (so far...) here.一定变老了......我没有在stackoverflow界面中找到删除我的问题的选项,这就是为什么它仍然存在(到目前为止......)这里。

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