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[英]How to get total number of pages of pdf files using magick::image_read_pdf?

Let's say under one folder main_path , we have multiple pdf files with different amount of pages, I use the function below to loop all files and screenshot each pages:假设在一个文件夹main_path下,我们有多个不同页数的 pdf 文件,我使用下面的 function 循环所有文件并截图每个页面:


main_path <- './'

file_names <- list.files(path = main_path, pattern ='.pdf') 
file_paths <- file.path(main_path, file_names)
file_names_no_ext <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(file_names)

max_page <- 10
pdf2plot <- function(file_path, file_names_no_ext){
  pages <- magick::image_read_pdf(file_path)
  num <- seq(1, max_page, 1)
  # num <- seq(1, nrow(data.frame(pages)), 1)
  for (i in num){
    pages[i] %>% image_write(., path = paste0(glue(main_path, '/plot/', {file_names_no_ext},
                                                   sprintf('_%02d.', i)), format = "png"))

mapply(pdf2plot, file_paths, file_names_no_ext)

The problem I met is if we have one file in folder with total number of pages less than max_page , it will raise an Error in magick_image_subset(x, i): subscript out of bounds .我遇到的问题是,如果文件夹中有一个文件的总页数小于max_page ,它将Error in magick_image_subset(x, i): subscript out of bounds For example, I have one file with 2 pages, but I set max_page=10 , I will get this error.例如,我有一个有 2 页的文件,但我设置max_page=10 ,我会得到这个错误。

The content of pages : pages内容:

  format width height colorspace matte filesize density
  <chr>  <int>  <int> <chr>      <lgl>    <int> <chr>  
1 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
2 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
3 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
4 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
5 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
6 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
7 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
8 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
9 PNG     2250   3000 sRGB       TRUE         0 300x300
Error in magick_image_subset(x, i) : subscript out of bounds
Called from: magick_image_subset(x, i)

I think there could be two ways to solve this problem, but I don't how to do it yet: 1. use try-catch , 2. replace max_page by get total number of pages using magick::image_read_pdf .我认为可能有两种方法可以解决这个问题,但我还不知道如何去做:1. 使用try-catch , 2. 通过使用magick::image_read_pdf获取总页数替换max_page

Thanks for your help at advance.提前感谢您的帮助。

If you look at the documentation of ?image_read , we can see that:如果您查看?image_read的文档,我们可以看到:

All standard base vector methods such as [, [[, c(), as.list(), as.raster(), rev(), length(), and print() can be used to work with magick image objects.所有标准的基本向量方法,例如 [、[[、c()、as.list()、as.raster()、rev()、length() 和 print(),都可以用于处理魔法图像对象。 Use the standard img[i] syntax to extract a subset of the frames from an image.使用标准 img[i] 语法从图像中提取帧的子集。

So you can simply use length(pages) to get the number of pages for that document.因此,您可以简单地使用length(pages)来获取该文档的页数。 Here's a simple version of your function using lapply() .这是使用lapply()的 function 的简单版本。 I think you can simplify your pathing a lot, but won't get into that.我认为你可以简化你的路径很多,但不会进入那个。


pdf2plot <- function(file_path, file_names_no_ext){
  pages <- magick::image_read_pdf(file_path)
    \(i) image_write(pages[i], path = paste0(glue(main_path, '/plot/', {file_names_no_ext},
                                                   sprintf('_%02d.', i)), format = "png"))

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