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如何在 TYPO3 中向 tx_news 添加调色板?

[英]How do I add a palette to tx_news in TYPO3?

How do I add the core gallerySettings palette to the media tab of tx_news?如何将核心gallerySettings调色板添加到 tx_news 的媒体选项卡? I want to be able to use these settings in the news detail template.我希望能够在新闻详细信息模板中使用这些设置。

In my site package I have tried adding this to my tt_content.php :在我的网站 package 中,我尝试将其添加到我的tt_content.php


tt_content and tx_news_domain_model_news are two different tables. tt_content 和 tx_news_domain_model_news 是两个不同的表。 you cannot add fields from the one to the other.您不能将一个字段添加到另一个字段。

It's not possible to reuse a palette from a different table.无法重用来自不同表的调色板。 What you could do is to implement the relevant code from tt_content in your extension.您可以做的是在您的扩展中实现来自tt_content的相关代码。

That's the TCA as well as database table definitions and the necessary TypoScript.这就是 TCA 以及数据库表定义和必要的 TypoScript。 Please consult typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content for details of the frontend output.有关前端 output 的详细信息,请参阅typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content。 TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\GalleryProcessor is what you need. TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\GalleryProcessor是您需要的。

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