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查找 GCD 和 LCM 为某些测试用例提供正确的 output 但我的提交显示错误答案

[英]Finding GCD and LCM giving correct output for some test cases but my submission shows wrong answer

My c++ code of finding gcd and lcm is giving correct output for some test cases but my submission shows wrong answer.我的 c++ 查找 gcd 和 lcm 的代码为某些测试用例提供了正确的 output 但我提交的答案显示错误。

int T;
int x,y,a,b;

    a=(x>y)?x:y;  // a will be the greater number
    b=(y>x)?x:y;  // b will be the smaller number
    int product=a*b;
    ///we will find gcd, and lcm will be a*b/gcd
        cout<<b<<" "<<a<<endl;   // the smaller one will be gcd and the greater one, lcm
        int rem=a%b;
        cout<<b<<" "<<product/b<<endl;

Are there certain test cases I am missing?我缺少某些测试用例吗? Or maybe my code is wrong.或者也许我的代码是错误的。

There are few cases on which it might fail:在少数情况下它可能会失败:

  1. When numbers x and y are not able to fit in int data type.当数字xy不适合int数据类型时。
  2. What if either x or y = 0?如果xy = 0 会怎样?
  3. You are doing product = a*b .你正在做product = a*b This also can lead to overflow resulting wrong output in else part.这也可能导致溢出导致错误的 output 在else部分。

The correct code is as follows:正确的代码如下:

` `

int T;
long int x,y,a,b;

    a=(x>y)?x:y;  // a will be the greater number
    b=(y>x)?x:y;  // b will be the smaller number
    long int product=a*b;
    ///we will find gcd, and lcm will be a*b/gcd
    if(a==0 && b==0)
        cout<<"0 0"<<endl;
     else if(b==0)
        cout<<a<<" 0"<<endl;
    cout<<b<<" "<<a<<endl;   // the smaller one will be gcd and the greater one, lcm
        int rem=b;
        cout<<rem<<" "<<product/b<<endl;

` `


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