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字符添加在 C 中没有预期结果

[英]Char addition does not have expected result in C

Can someone explain me how is this at the end有人可以解释一下最后这是怎么回事


and not并不是


This is code:这是代码:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  char a = 'D', b='C', c='A';
  a = c + 'D';
  b = a + b + 'A';
  c = b - a;
  a = a - b + 'C';
  b = b - 68;
  printf("a=%c,b=%c,c=%d", a, b, c);

It appears on your system that char is signed.您的系统上显示char已签名。 With ASCII, 'D' , 'C' and 'A' are the same as the integers 68 , 67 , and 65 respectively.对于 ASCII, 'D''C''A'分别与整数686765相同。

Add 68 to 65 and you get 133 .6865 ,得到133 The binary representation of 133 is 10000101 . 133的二进制表示是10000101 Notice that the most significant bit is 1 .请注意,最高有效位是1 As you're using signed chars, twos complement comes into play, and the result is actually -123 .当您使用带符号的字符时,二进制补码开始发挥作用,结果实际上是-123

Remember that a signed char can hold values ranging from -128 to 127 , rather than 0 to 255 .请记住,有符号char可以保存范围从-128127的值,而不是0255

Your C implementation has a signed eight-bit char , likely uses ASCII, and, when converting an out-of-range value to a signed integer type, wraps modulo 2 w , where w is the width of (number of bits in) the type.您的 C 实现有一个带符号的八位char ,可能使用 ASCII,并且在将超出范围的值转换为带符号的 integer 类型时,包装模 2 w ,其中w是宽度(位数)类型。 These are all implementation-defined;这些都是实现定义的; they may differ in other C implementations, with certain constraints.它们在其他 C 实现中可能有所不同,但有一定的限制。

char a = 'D', b='C', c='A'; initializes a to 68, b to 67, and c to 65.a初始化为 68,将b初始化为 67,并将c为 65。

a = c + 'D'; assigns 65 + 68 = 133 to a .将 65 + 68 = 133 分配给a Since 133 does not fit in char , it wraps to 133 − 256 = −123.由于 133 不适合char ,因此它会换行为 133 − 256 = −123。

b = a + b + 'A'; assigns −123 + 67 + 65 = 9 to b .将 −123 + 67 + 65 = 9 分配给b

c = b - a; assigns 9 − −123 = 132 to c .将 9 - -123 = 132 分配给c This wraps to 132 − 256 = −124.这将返回到 132 - 256 = -124。

a = a - b + 'C'; assigns −123 − 9 + 67 = −65 to a .将 −123 − 9 + 67 = −65 分配给a

b = b - 68; assigns 9 − 68 = −59 to b .将 9 − 68 = −59 分配给b

printf("a=%c,b=%c,c=%d", a, b, c); prints a=?,b=?,c=-124 because a and b are codes for abnormal characters and the value of c is −124.打印a=?,b=?,c=-124因为ab是异常字符的代码,并且c的值为 -124。

It would seem your compiler treats char as signed char , so:您的编译器似乎将char视为signed char ,因此:

a = 'D', b='C', c='A'

a = c + 'D' = 'A' + 'D' = 65 + 68 = 133 a = c + 'D' = 'A' + 'D' = 65 + 68 = 133

but since a is a signed char , it becomes -123 (133-256)但由于a是有signed char ,它变成-123 (133-256)

b = a + b + 'A' = -123 + 'C' + 'A' = -123 + 67 + 65 = 9 b = a + b + 'A' = -123 + 'C' + 'A' = -123 + 67 + 65 = 9

c = b - a = 9 - -123 = 9 + 123 = 132 c = b - a = 9 - -123 = 9 + 123 = 132

a = a - b + 'C' = -123 - 9 + 66 = -66 a = a - b + 'C' = -123 - 9 + 66 = -66

b = b - 68 = 9 - 68 = `-59`` b = b - 68 = 9 - 68 = `-59`

So at the end, a = -66 , b = -59 , and c = 132所以最后, a = -66b = -59c = 132

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