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Ibatis 在 Java 中填充了嵌套的 object

[英]Ibatis filling up Nested object in Java

I have one java class which resembles to我有一个 java class 类似于

class A{
String a;
B bclass;

class B{
String b;
String c;

my ibatis query is: Select a,b,c from A_TABLE and resultmap I want is something like this where I can fill properties of class B (Bb,Bc) as well.我的 ibatis 查询是: Select a,b,c from A_TABLE和我想要的结果图是这样的,我可以在其中填充 class 的属性(以及 Bc)

<resultMap class="A" id="resmap">
<result property="a"  column="A"  jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<result property="bclass.b"  column="B"  jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<result property="bclass.c"  column="C"  jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>

any idea how I can fill this object A from ibatis query so I have all 3 a,b,c properties filled?知道如何从 ibatis 查询中填充这个 object A,所以我已经填充了所有 3 个 a、b、c 属性?

The mapping of inner objects is made with association tag.内部对象的映射是使用association标签进行的。 You need something like this:你需要这样的东西:

<resultMap id="resmap" type="A">
    <result property="a" column="a"/>
    <association property="b" javaType="B">
        <result property="b" column="b_b"/>
        <result property="c" column="b_c"/>

Check documentation as well, it's explained in details.检查文档以及详细说明。

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