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在 PostgreSQL 上按天分组,具体取决于国家/地区时区

[英]Group By day on PostgreSQL depending on country time zone

I want to group by day counting registers of "ORDERS" table, but I have registers of different timezones because of the countrys.我想按天对“ORDERS”表的计数寄存器进行分组,但是由于国家/地区的原因,我有不同时区的寄存器。

with "end_datetime" as (
            current_timestamp as "end_date"
        ), "start_datetime" as (
            select case
                when date_trunc('weeks', (select "end_date" from "end_datetime") - '8 weeks'::interval) < '2022-01-01 00:00:00' 
                    then '2022-01-01 00:00:00'
                    else date_trunc('weeks', (select "end_date" from "end_datetime") - '8 weeks'::interval)
                end as "initial_date"
        ),"principal" as (
            select DATE_TRUNC('day',o."createdAt")::TIMESTAMP::DATE  ,
                    COUNT(o.id) AS "countTotal",
                    lower(countries."name") as "country",
                    (select "initial_date" from "start_datetime") as initial_date,
                    (select "end_date" from "end_datetime" as end_date)
            from "Orders" as o
                left join "Cities" as "cities" on "cities"."id" = o."cityID"
                left join "Countries" as "countries" on "countries"."id" = "cities"."countryID"
                left join "Enterprises" as "enterprises" on "enterprises".id = o."enterpriseID"
                left join "GeneralTypes" as "generaltypes" on "generaltypes".subtype = o."statusID" 
            where o."createdAt" between (select "initial_date" from "start_datetime") and (select "end_date" from "end_datetime")       --Info de las últimas 8 semanas
            GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('day',o."createdAt"), "country" 
        )select * from "principal"


Is there a good way to do that?有什么好的方法吗?

The field o."createdAt" is timestamptz字段o."createdAt"timestamptz

You will need a table mapping country to timezone name.您将需要一个将国家/地区映射到时区名称的表。 Your problem is that many countries have multiple timezones so you will presumably have to pick one city in each country to base your timezone off.您的问题是许多国家/地区有多个时区,因此您可能必须在每个国家/地区选择一个城市来确定您的时区。

Then you can do AT TIME ZONE like this:然后你可以像这样在AT TIME ZONE做:

=> SELECT tz, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE tz FROM (VALUES ('Europe/Paris'), ('Europe/Moscow')) t (tz);
      tz       │         timezone          
 Europe/Paris  │ 2022-02-02 18:29:47.56131
 Europe/Moscow │ 2022-02-02 20:29:47.56131
(2 rows)

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