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使用 ftplib 从 FTP 服务器删除一些 csv 文件

[英]Delete some csv files from FTP Server using ftplib

I am trying to delete some csv files from a ftp server.我正在尝试从 ftp 服务器中删除一些 csv 文件。 Uses ftplib library.使用ftplib库。 The files are not getting deleted from the server.这些文件没有从服务器中删除。 I have read-write access to the server.我对服务器具有读写访问权限。 No error messages even showing.甚至没有显示错误消息。 I have around 20 files to delete, I can printout the filenames successfully as well.我有大约 20 个文件要删除,我也可以成功打印出文件名。

 dir_files = []  # to store all files in the root
     ftp = ftplib.FTP(os.environ.get("TIENKANG_HOST"))  # port is 21 by default
         user=os.environ.get("TIENKANG_USER"), passwd=os.environ.get("TIENKANG_PASS")
     ftp.encoding = "unicode_escape"
     for file_info in dir_files:
         if "DATA_collection" in file_info:
             if filename not in file_info:
                 old_filename = file_info.split(" ")[-1]
                 if old_filename[-3:] == "csv":
                     # data can be exported to db if necessary before removing
                     # print(old_filename)
 except Exception as e:

My files are in root of the server.我的文件位于服务器的根目录中。 below given how I sort out filenames.下面给出了我如何整理文件名。 (unfortunately ftp.nlst leads to error) (不幸的是 ftp.nlst 导致错误)

FileZilla root folder view: FileZilla 根文件夹视图: 根文件夹的 Filezilla 视图

How I sort out filename:我如何整理文件名: 我如何整理文件名

I had to use ftp.encoding = "unicode_escape" , to get all filenames in the ftp server.我必须使用ftp.encoding = "unicode_escape"来获取 ftp 服务器中的所有文件名。 Without changing the encoding I gets error since there is machine related files exist in the ftp server that is not in standard unicode encoding.在不更改编码的情况下,我会出错,因为 ftp 服务器中存在与标准 unicode 编码无关的机器相关文件。

So, before deleting I changed encoding back to ftp.encoding = "utf-8" and all went prefectly.因此,在删除之前,我将编码改回ftp.encoding = "utf-8"并且一切顺利。

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