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如何在 windows 命令行上使用单个命令创建多个文件?

[英]How can I create multiple files using a single command on windows command line?

The command for creating a new file on windows using cmd is:使用 cmd 在 windows 上创建新文件的命令是:

cd.> filename.txt

But how can I create more than one file using a single command?但是如何使用单个命令创建多个文件?

here is one way to generate a series of files with powershell.这是使用 powershell 生成一系列文件的一种方法。 [ grin ] [咧嘴笑]

the code...编码...

1..9 |
    ForEach-Object {
        New-Item -Path $env:TEMP -Name ('FileNumber_{0}.txt' -f $_) -ItemType 'File'

what it does...它能做什么...

  • generates a number range生成一个数字范围
  • pipes each number to the New-Item cmdlet将每个数字通过管道传递给New-Item cmdlet
  • uses the -f string format operator to build the file name使用-f字符串格式运算符来构建文件名
  • creates the file创建文件

truncated output...截断 output...

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----        2022-02-03   1:10 PM              0 FileNumber_1.txt


-a----        2022-02-03   1:10 PM              0 FileNumber_9.txt

if you want to get rid of the output to the screen, add $Null = in front of the New-Item line.如果你想摆脱 output 到屏幕,添加$Null =New-Item行前面。

With PowerShell you can use New-Item with an array of filenames.使用 PowerShell,您可以使用带有文件名数组的New-Item

Note: ni is a built-in alias for New-Item , which is useful to substitute interactively.注意: niNew-Item的内置别名,可用于交互替换。

# New-Item
ni fileA.txt, fileB.txt, filec.txt, "file_with_a_${var}_in_it.txt"

You can also use New-Item to create directories, but a shorter way to do this is to use mkdir instead, which is a built-in "alias" function for essentially calling New-Item -ItemType Directory :您也可以使用New-Item创建目录,但更短的方法是使用mkdir代替,它是一个内置的“别名” function 用于本质上调用New-Item -ItemType Directory

# New-Item -ItemType Directory
mkdir dirA, dirB, dirC

Some tips一些技巧

  • If you want to suppress the output, you can pipe or redirect the output.如果要抑制 output,可以 pipe 或重定向 output。 Add | Out-Null添加| Out-Null | Out-Null or | Out-Null
    > $null to either example above (errors and other streams will still show as written). > $null到上述任一示例(错误和其他流仍将显示为已写入)。
  • Both commands support fully-qualified paths and relative paths.这两个命令都支持完全限定路径和相对路径。 You can provide a single string if you are only creating one item.如果您只创建一个项目,则可以提供单个字符串。
  • You can add as many array elements as you would like, just separate each element in the array with a comma , .您可以添加任意数量的数组元素,只需用逗号分隔数组中的每个元素, You can also provide an array variable instead if you need.如果需要,您还可以提供一个数组变量。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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