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PDF 文本搜索 Angular 5+

[英]PDF text search in Angular 5+

I am trying to achieve something like below.我正在尝试实现以下目标。


I want the list of matching text should be listed in right side bar.我希望匹配文本列表应列在右侧栏中。 I am sure it can be done using PDFTron but I am looking for alternatives.我确信可以使用 PDFTron 来完成,但我正在寻找替代方案。

Is it possible to implement using ng2-pdf-viewer?是否可以使用 ng2-pdf-viewer 来实现?

Any help would be much appreciated.任何帮助将非常感激。

Potentially its doable with any reader including ng2.它可能适用于包括 ng2 在内的任何阅读器。 So here using ng2 searching the word "pdf" we can see them all highlighted and jump to the next one found, but then converting those to sidebar entries would not be very useful.所以在这里使用 ng2 搜索单词“pdf”我们可以看到它们都突出显示并跳转到找到的下一个,但是将它们转换为侧边栏条目不会很有用。


Most simpler PDF viewers will jump to the first matching entry in a find box and may not even highlight the second match.最简单的 PDF 查看器将跳转到查找框中的第一个匹配条目,甚至可能不会突出显示第二个匹配项。

So ng2 is more advanced at that level, however building a full sidebar display is usually top end territory, since the replacement of other screen real estate needs more management.所以ng2在那个级别上更先进,但是构建一个完整的侧边栏显示通常是高端领域,因为更换其他屏幕空间需要更多的管理。

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