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Microsoft Sentinel 和 ServiceNow 以及 Get Etag 的集成问题

[英]Integration issues with Microsoft Sentinel and ServiceNow and Get Etag

Working on the Microsoft Sentinel to ServiceNow integration as documented in Microsoft Azure to ServiceNow Article .按照Microsoft Azure 到 ServiceNow 文章中所述,处理 Microsoft Sentinel 到 ServiceNow 的集成。 I am running into an issue我遇到了一个问题

InvalidTemplate.无效的模板。 Unable to process template language expressions in action 'GEt_incident_-_bring_fresh_Etag' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language expression 'body('Parse_JSON_2')?['value']?[0]['SubId']' cannot be evaluated because property 'SubId' cannot be selected.无法在“0”行和“0”列的操作“GEt_incident__-_bring_fresh_Etag”输入中处理模板语言表达式:'模板语言表达式'body('Parse_JSON_2')?['value']?[0]['SubId无法评估“]”,因为无法选择属性“SubId”。 Please see https://aka.ms/logicexpressions for usage details.'.请参阅 https://aka.ms/logicexpressions 了解使用详情。

I have been trying to break this down as to what the message is saying, particularly in this piece,我一直试图打破这个信息的含义,特别是在这篇文章中,

The template language expression 'body('Parse_JSON_2')?['value']?[0]['SubId']' cannot be evaluated because property 'SubId' cannot be selected.无法评估模板语言表达式 'body('Parse_JSON_2')?['value']?[0]['SubId']',因为无法选择属性 'SubId'。 Or more so this, The template language expression XXX cannot be evaluated because property 'SubId' cannot be selected.或者更重要的是,无法评估模板语言表达式 XXX,因为无法选择属性“SubId”。

Is the "cannot be selected," indicating that there is a permission problem?是“不能选择”,说明有权限问题吗? I am using the system identity我正在使用系统标识



Where the roles are assigned are分配角色的位置是


I am open to considering any thoughts or ideas.我愿意考虑任何想法或想法。

Did you see the post deployments steps on Github?您是否看到 Github 上的部署后步骤? The state you need to grant Sentinel Reader role to the managed identity.您需要将Sentinel Reader角色授予托管标识的 state。

https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/tree/master/Playbooks/Create-SNOW-record#post-deployment https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/tree/master/Playbooks/Create-SNOW-record#post-deployment

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