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[英]How to convert custom proptype in react jsx to typescript

I am converting my project files from jsx to tsx.我正在将我的项目文件从 jsx 转换为 tsx。 For normal proptypes, I am able to provide equivalent in interface.对于普通的 proptypes,我可以提供等效的接口。 But for custom Proptypes I am unable to do the same.但对于自定义 Proptypes,我无法做到这一点。 please find below the example scenario to get an idea.请在示例场景下方找到一个想法。


    const AppContainer = (props) => {
  return <div>{/*my component*/}</div>;

const customPropCheck = (props, propName, componentName) => {
  if (
    (props.primaryValue && !props.secondaryValue) ||
    (!props.primaryValue && props.secondaryValue)
  ) {
    return new Error(`Error for ${componentName} `);
  return null;
AppContainer.defaultProps = {
  primaryValue: null,
  secondaryValue: null,

AppContainer.propTypes = {
  primaryValue: customPropCheck,
  secondaryValue: customPropCheck,

export default AppContainer;


interface AppContainerProps {
  primaryValue: Error | null;
  secondaryValue: Error | null;

const AppContainer = ({
  primaryValue = null,
  secondaryValue = null,
}: AppContainerProps) => {
  return <div>{/*my component*/}</div>;

export default AppContainer;

How do i implement customPropCheck in my tsx?如何在我的 tsx 中实现 customPropCheck? Is there any way Or do I have to copy same propType implementation in my tsx file ie:有什么办法或者我必须在我的 tsx 文件中复制相同的 propType 实现,即:

AppContainer.propTypes = {
    primaryValue: customPropCheck,
    secondaryValue: customPropCheck 

As far as I can tell, there's no problem just doing it.据我所知,这样做没有问题。 The types of the parameters in customPropCheck are AppContainerProps , keyof AppContainerProps , and string respectively: customPropCheck中的参数类型分别为AppContainerPropskeyof AppContainerPropsstring

const customPropCheck = (props: AppContainerProps, propName: keyof AppContainerProps, componentName: string) => {
    if (
        (props.primaryValue && !props.secondaryValue) ||
        (!props.primaryValue && props.secondaryValue)
    ) {
        return new Error(`Error for ${componentName} `);
    return null;

Then you just assign to the function (I was expecting this to be a problem, but it doesn't seem to be):然后你只需分配给 function (我原以为这是个问题,但似乎不是):

AppContainer.defaultProps = {
    primaryValue: null,
    secondaryValue: null,

AppContainer.propTypes = {
    primaryValue: customPropCheck,
    secondaryValue: customPropCheck,

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