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[英]How to download web resource using Digest authentication

What set of Windows API calls will allow downloading a web resource (specifically an XML document) when the site is protected using Digest authentication without having to enter a username and password? 当使用摘要式身份验证保护站点而无需输入用户名和密码时,哪些Windows API调用集将允许下载Web资源(特别是XML文档)?

I can use MSXML's “open” function on the IXMLHTTPRequest interface, but it requires a username and password to be supplied even though I'm logged on to the Windows domain server. 我可以在IXMLHTTPRequest接口上使用MSXML的“打开”功能,但是即使我已登录Windows域服务器,也需要提供用户名和密码。

Internet Explorer can accomplish this task without requiring me to enter this information. Internet Explorer可以完成此任务,而无需我输入此信息。

I'm not familiar with this particular API. 我对这个特定的API不熟悉。 But it looks like there is a function to set a request header called setRequestHeader so have you tried adding the following line directly to the request header? 但是看起来好像有一个函数可以设置一个名为setRequestHeader的请求标头,所以您是否尝试过将以下行直接添加到请求标头中?

Authorization: Basic %s\\r\\n 授权:基本%s \\ r \\ n

Note: %s is name:password in base64 encoding. 注意: %s是使用base64编码的name:password

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