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"为什么我必须在一个按钮上单击两次才能重定向到正确的 url?"

[英]Why do I have to click two times on a button to be redirected to the right url?

I have this click event written with Angular material in the app.component.html file:我在 app.component.html 文件中使用 Angular 材料编写了这个点击事件:

<button mat-icon-button class="icon account-icon" aria-label="Icon-button with account icon" (click)="gotoLoginPage()" routerLink={{url}}  routerLinkActive="active">

Just in case somebody is facing my same problem, I resolved it in this way:以防万一有人遇到我同样的问题,我以这种方式解决了它:

In app.component.html, instead of the following:在 app.component.html 中,而不是以下内容:

<button mat-icon-button class="icon account-icon" aria-label="Icon-button with account icon" (click)="gotoLoginPage()" routerLink={{url}}  routerLinkActive="active">

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