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"对于基类中的模板化构造函数,clang\/gcc 和 MSVC 之间的结果不同"

[英]Different results between clang/gcc and MSVC for templated constructor in base class

I stumbled over the following piece of code.我偶然发现了以下一段代码。 The "DerivedFoo" case produces different results on MSVC than on clang or gcc. "DerivedFoo"案例在 MSVC 上产生的结果与在 clang 或 gcc 上不同。 Namely, clang 13 and gcc 11.2 call the copy constructor of Foo while MSVC v19.29 calls the templated constructor.即,clang 13 和 gcc 11.2 调用Foo的复制构造函数,而 MSVC v19.29 调用模板化构造函数。 I am using C++17.我正在使用 C++17。

Considering the non-derived case ( "Foo" ) where all compilers agree to call the templated constructor, I think that this is a bug in clang and gcc and that MSVC is correct?考虑到所有编译器都同意调用模板构造函数的非派生案例( "Foo" ),我认为这是 clang 和 gcc 中的一个错误,并且 MSVC 是否正确? Or am I interpreting things wrong and clang/gcc are correct?还是我解释错了,而 clang/gcc 是正确的? Can anyone shed some light on what might be going on?任何人都可以阐明可能发生的事情吗?

Code ( https://godbolt.org/z/bbjasrraj ):代码( https://godbolt.org/z/bbjasrraj ):

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Foo {
  Foo() {
    cout << "\tFoo default constructor\n";

  Foo(Foo const &) { cout << "\tFoo COPY constructor\n";

  Foo(Foo &&) {
    cout << "\tFoo move constructor\n";

  template <class U>
  Foo(U &&) {
    cout << "\tFoo TEMPLATED constructor\n";

struct DerivedFoo : Foo {
   using Foo::Foo;

int main() {
  cout << "Foo:\n";
  Foo f1;
  Foo f2(f1);

  cout << "\nConst Foo:\n";
  Foo const cf1;
  Foo cf2(cf1);

  cout << "\nDerivedFoo:\n";
  DerivedFoo d1;
  DerivedFoo d2(d1);

  cout << "\nConst DerivedFoo:\n";
  DerivedFoo const cd1;
  DerivedFoo cd2(cd1);

Result for clang and gcc: clang 和 gcc 的结果:

    Foo default constructor
    Foo TEMPLATED constructor

Const Foo:
    Foo default constructor
    Foo COPY constructor

    Foo default constructor
    Foo COPY constructor  <<<<< This is different

Const DerivedFoo:
    Foo default constructor
    Foo COPY constructor

Result for MSVC: MSVC 的结果:

        Foo default constructor
        Foo TEMPLATED constructor

Const Foo:
        Foo default constructor
        Foo COPY constructor

        Foo default constructor
        Foo TEMPLATED constructor  <<<<< This is different

Const DerivedFoo:
        Foo default constructor
        Foo COPY constructor

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