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AWS Lambda 发布层版本,获取:未知选项:--compatible-architectures, x86_64

[英]AWS Lambda publish-layer-version, getting: Unknown options: --compatible-architectures, x86_64

I'm trying to create an AWS Lambda Layer using the AWS CLI on Ubuntu, like this:我正在尝试在 Ubuntu 上使用 AWS CLI 创建一个 AWS Lambda 层,如下所示:

aws lambda publish-layer-version \
  --layer-name numpy --description "numpy Python 3.9"  \
  --zip-file fileb://./lambda/deps/numpy/python.zip \
  --compatible-runtimes python3.9 \
  --compatible-architectures "x86_64" --output text --query "LayerVersionArn"

But I'm getting this error:但我收到此错误:

Unknown options: --compatible-architectures, x86_64

I tried all sorts of combinations to no avail.我尝试了各种组合都无济于事。 Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

The root cause was that I had AWS CLI version "aws-cli/2.2.2" installed on my machine...根本原因是我的机器上安装了 AWS CLI 版本“aws-cli/2.2.2”...

As soon as I updated to the latest (version aws-cli/2.4.16), it worked.一旦我更新到最新版本(版本 aws-cli/2.4.16),它就起作用了。

I hope this helps someone in the future.我希望这对将来的人有帮助。

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