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AZURE:我可以在 Azure 中托管 NuGet.Server 吗?

[英]AZURE: Can I host NuGet.Server in Azure?

I want to host a nuget.server to share private nuget packages with my dev team.我想托管一个 nuget.server 来与我的开发团队共享私有的 nuget 包。

This link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/hosting-packages/nuget-server此链接: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/hosting-packages/nuget-server

shows me how to build a nuget.server, but it says that it needs to run under IIS.向我展示了如何构建 nuget.server,但它说它需要在 IIS 下运行。

Can I deploy a nuget.server application to azure instead of running it under IIS?我可以将 nuget.server 应用程序部署到 azure 而不是在 IIS 下运行吗?

It looks like Azure artifacts requires using a CI/CD pipeline, but my dev team is not up to using pipelines yet.看起来 Azure 工件需要使用 CI/CD 管道,但我的开发团队还没有准备好使用管道。 For now, all applications are manually deployed to production from Visual Studio.目前,所有应用程序都从 Visual Studio 手动部署到生产环境。

Any suggestions?有什么建议么?

It looks like Azure artifacts requires using a CI/CD pipeline看起来 Azure 工件需要使用 CI/CD 管道

That's not correct.那是不正确的。 Anything that can authenticate to Azure Artifacts can push packages to it, including doing it from your own machine.任何可以向 Azure Artifacts 进行身份验证的东西都可以将包推送给它,包括从你自己的机器上进行。 Similarly, if you want to have a private feed, that's a simple configuration, whereas hosting your own NuGet server means you'll need to implement authentication yourself.同样,如果你想拥有一个私人提要,这是一个简单的配置,而托管你自己的 NuGet 服务器意味着你需要自己实施身份验证。

I strongly recommend you use Azure Artifacts instead of hosting your own server, if you already have access to Azure DevOps.如果您已经可以访问 Azure DevOps,我强烈建议您使用 Azure Artifacts 而不是托管您自己的服务器。 They handle scalability/performance, whereas I believe that NuGet.Server has performance problems when there are a large number of packages.它们处理可伸缩性/性能,而我认为 NuGet.Server 在有大量包时会出现性能问题。 Azure DevOps also handles authentication, as previously discussed. Azure DevOps 还处理身份验证,如前所述。 I wouldn't be surprised if Azure Artifacts is also cheaper than Azure App Service, although this depends on a lot of things so will depend on your specific usage, making it impossible to make a blanket statement.如果 Azure Artifacts 也比 Azure App Service 便宜,我不会感到惊讶,尽管这取决于很多事情,因此将取决于您的具体用途,因此无法做出笼统的声明。

If you really want to host your own nuget feed, I can't find docs explicitly saying it, but Azure App Service on a Windows host is IIS. ASP.NET (before Core) only run in IIS, and here are Azure App Service's docs for running ASP.NET (not Core) apps: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-language-do.net-framework如果您真的想托管自己的nuget feed,我找不到明确说明的文档,但是8Azure APP Service在8814063767988888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888。运行 ASP.NET(非核心)应用程序: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-language-do.net-framework

Yes you can setup private NuGet Server outside Azure DevOps, but need more setting for the purpose of access.是的,您可以在 Azure DevOps 之外设置私有 NuGet 服务器,但需要更多设置才能访问。 Of course, you can use private NuGet Server inside Azure DevOps, you can find it in Azure DevOps - Artifacts - Create Feed.当然也可以使用Azure DevOps里面的私有NuGet Server,可以在Azure DevOps - Artifacts - Create Feed中找到。

Please review zivkan 's comments about how to setup a private NuGet Server.请查看zivkan关于如何设置私有 NuGet 服务器的评论。

You must create service connection in Azure DevOps if you want to access(restore/push) your private NuGet Server outside Azure DevOps.如果你想在 Azure DevOps 之外访问(恢复/推送)你的私有 NuGet 服务器,你必须在 Azure DevOps 中创建服务连接。

How to setup NuGet service connection: Azure DevOps - Project Setting - Service Connections - New Service Connection - NuGet如何设置NuGet服务连接:Azure DevOps-项目设置-服务连接-新建服务连接-NuGet

NuGet 服务连接

Then you can use added NuGet service connection in your pipeline.然后您可以在管道中使用添加的 NuGet 服务连接。

使用 NuGet 服务

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