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如何使用托管身份连接到 Azure 通知中心?

[英]How to use managed identity to connect to Azure Notification Hub?

In the docs they give an example of how to connect to a hub by using a connection string that contains a Shared Access Signature.在文档中,他们给出了一个示例,说明如何使用包含共享访问签名的连接字符串连接到集线器。 So far in my app, I've been able to avoid storing secrets myself by just using managed identities.到目前为止,在我的应用程序中,我已经能够通过仅使用托管身份来避免自己存储机密。 Is there a way to connect to a Notification Hub with a managed identity instead of a secret?有没有办法使用托管身份而不是密码连接到通知中心? I'd rather not do my own secret management.我宁愿不做我自己的秘密管理。

Referring to list of supported Azure services that support managed identities for Azure resources it seems not available for it.参考 list of supported Azure services that support managed identities for Azure resources 它似乎不可用。

You may share your feedback by creating a Feedback item and upvote it.您可以通过创建反馈项目并点赞来分享您的反馈。 The product group monitors this site for feedback.产品组监视此站点以获取反馈。 This is the best way to ensure you are heard and you may receive a response depending on how much they information they can currently share.这是确保您的意见被听到的最佳方式,您可能会收到回复,具体取决于他们目前可以分享的信息量。

Authorization Rules (aka Access Policies) are associated with a hub and can be accessed using Azure Resource Manager calls , which I believe supports managed identity. 授权规则(又名访问策略)与集线器相关联,可以使用 Azure 资源管理器调用访问,我相信它支持托管身份。 I've thought about this but haven't tried it myself.我已经考虑过这个但还没有自己尝试过。 So please report back if it works for you.因此,请报告它是否适合您。

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