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dc.js(与 crossfilter 和 d3.js 一起使用)是否仍然是浏览器页面上大数据可视化的好选择?

[英]Is dc.js (used with crossfilter and d3.js) still a good option for Big data visualization on a browser page?

I'm try to build an online dashboard to visualize a large csv dataset and i want to be sure i'm following the right path.我正在尝试构建一个在线仪表板来可视化大型 csv 数据集,我想确保我走的是正确的道路。

Thank you everybody.谢谢大家。

Crossfilter will speedily handle up to around 500K rows of data, maybe more depending on column complexity. Crossfilter 将快速处理多达大约 500K 行的数据,可能更多取决于列的复杂性。

Around that size you also have to consider the time that it will take to download the data to the browser, affecting when the charts will appear in the page.围绕该大小,您还必须考虑将数据下载到浏览器所需的时间,这会影响图表何时出现在页面中。

If your data is bigger than that, and you still want to use dc.js, you have two options:如果你的数据比那个大,但你仍然想使用 dc.js,你有两个选择:

  • Pre-aggregate your data: instead of counting rows with group.reduceCount() , use group.reduceSum() and have a column with pre-summed integers.预先聚合您的数据:不要使用 group.reduceCount() 来计算行数, group.reduceCount()使用group.reduceSum()并有一列包含预求和的整数。 Of course, you will not be able to drill into pre-aggregated data, so this is only effective if you can accept some granularity of the dimensions of your charts.当然,您将无法深入了解预先聚合的数据,因此这只有在您可以接受图表维度的某种粒度时才有效。

  • Use a server-side replacement for crossfilter, such as elastic-dc .使用服务器端替代交叉过滤器,例如elastic-dc There are other solutions floating around but I think Deepak has the most complete solution.还有其他解决方案,但我认为 Deepak 拥有最完整的解决方案。

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