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如何反序列化通过 protobuf.net 接收的二进制 AMQP 消息?

[英]How do I deserialize a binary AMQP message received with protobuf-net?

I am just learning C# and am using it with Godot.我正在学习 C# 并将其与 Godot 一起使用。 We are trying to send a binary Protobuf-encoded message from a client over AMQP and receive it with the C# script running in Godot.我们正在尝试通过 AMQP 从客户端发送二进制 Protobuf 编码的消息,并使用在 Godot 中运行的 C# 脚本接收它。

I am at the point where the message is received and I am trying to deserialize it.我正处于收到消息的位置,我正在尝试反序列化它。 The message body is a 44-byte array, but the protobuf.net deserialize doesn't take a byte array.消息正文是一个 44 字节的数组,但 protobuf.net 反序列化不采用字节数组。 The message body is of type object but it definitely contains a byte array.消息正文是object类型,但它肯定包含一个字节数组。

    byte[] binaryBody = (byte[])message.Body;
    CommandBuffer commandBuffer;
    commandBuffer = Serializer.Deserialize<CommandBuffer>(binaryBody);

This results in an error:这会导致错误:

The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Serializer.Deserialize<T>(ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, T, object)' and 'Serializer.Deserialize<T>(ReadOnlySpan<byte>, T, object)' [srt-godot-test]csharp(CS0121)

Trying to convert binaryBody to a MemoryStream results in all kind of a mess and a protobuf that cannot be properly decoded:尝试将binaryBody转换为MemoryStream会导致各种混乱和无法正确解码的 protobuf:

    MemoryStream st = new MemoryStream();
    st.Write(binaryBody, 0, binaryBody.Length);

It seems like I should just be able to deserialize binaryBody somehow, but I cannot figure out what to do here.似乎我应该能够以某种方式反序列binaryBody ,但我不知道该怎么做。

I found this post: Protobuf.net Serialize/Deserialize to/from byte arrays我发现这篇文章: Protobuf.net Serialize/Deserialize to/from byte arrays

Which lead me to the MemoryStream page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/api/system.io.memorystream.-ctor?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view.net-6.0#System_IO_MemoryStream__ctor_System_Byte__ _这将我带到MemoryStream页面: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/api/system.io.memorystream.-ctor?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view.net-6.0#System_IO_MemoryStream__ctor_System_Byte__ _

And I noticed this option: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/api/system.io.memorystream.-ctor?view.net-6.0#system-io-memorystream-ctor(system-byte()-system-boolean)我注意到这个选项: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/api/system.io.memorystream.-ctor?view.net-6.0#system-io-memorystream-ctor(system -byte()-系统布尔值)

Which resulted in this code:这导致了这段代码:

  void GameEventReceived(IReceiverLink receiver, Message message)
    GD.Print("Event received!");
    // accept the message so that it gets removed from the queue

    byte[] binaryBody = (byte[])message.Body;

    MemoryStream st = new MemoryStream(binaryBody, false);

    // prep a command buffer for processing the message
    CommandBuffer commandBuffer;
    commandBuffer = Serializer.Deserialize<CommandBuffer>(st);

The key was creating the MemoryStream directly from the bytestring.关键是直接从字节串创建MemoryStream

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