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Bazel 构建:添加不在“WORKSPACE”中的额外依赖项

[英]Bazel build: Add extra dependencies not in `WORKSPACE`

I'd like to write some profiling scripts on a project, and use action_listener or aspect to take action.我想在一个项目上写一些分析脚本,并使用action_listeneraspect来采取行动。 However, it's better not modifying the project files.但是,最好不要修改项目文件。 Is there any way to add some external dependencies without change WORKSPACE file?有没有办法在不更改WORKSPACE文件的情况下添加一些外部依赖项?


workspace(name = "my_workspace")

load("//:bazel/third_party/my_profile_deps.bzl", "my_profile_deps")


bazel/third_party/my_profile_deps.bzl bazel/third_party/my_profile_deps.bzl

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")

def my_profile_deps():
    """Fetch my profile deps."""

    if True: # Switch to turn on/off
        # ... 
            name = "some_lib",
            build_file = "...",
            sha256 = "...",
            strip_prefix = "..",
            urls = [

Dependencies are only fetched if needed.仅在需要时才获取依赖项。 Therefore, you can think of introducing configurable build attributes .因此,可以考虑引入可配置的构建属性

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