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在非通用基础中定义通用属性 class

[英]define a generic property in non-generic base class

I dont think what I am trying to do is possible;我不认为我想做的是可能的; is there a way to actually make this work?有没有办法真正使这项工作?

There is a Base class from which a variety of different classes are derived.有一个Base class,从中派生出各种不同的类。 Derived classes can be generic or not;派生类可以是通用的,也可以不是; instances of the derived classes are added to a collection of type Base in WindowViewModel .派生类的实例被添加到WindowViewModelBase类型的集合中。 The Base class has a collection of Options that are accessed by the WindowViewModel . Base class 有一组Options可以被WindowViewModel访问。

The issue is: the IOption interface declares a return type of Func<object, bool> MyFunc but the return type of MyFunc needs to be Func<T, bool> for the generic class method RunIt() and for the assignment in MyClass to work.问题是: IOption接口声明了Func<object, bool> MyFunc的返回类型,但MyFunc的返回类型必须是Func<T, bool>才能使通用 class 方法RunIt()MyClass中的赋值工作. I could make the IOption generic, but then the Base class would need to be generic, and then the WindowViewModel.ViewModels would also need to be redefined somehow.我可以使IOption通用,但Base class 需要通用,然后WindowViewModel.ViewModels也需要以某种方式重新定义。 I dont want to make the Base generic as introducing generics there just makes everything else a real mess.我不想让 Base 变得通用,因为在那里引入 generics 只会让其他一切变得一团糟。

Question: is there a different way to declare MyFunc in IOption without using generics to allow assignment of Func<T,bool> in MyClass ?问题:是否有不同的方法在IOption中声明MyFunc而无需使用 generics 以允许在MyClass中分配Func<T,bool>

public interface IOption
    public string Description {get; set;}
    public Expression<Func<object,bool>> MyFunc { get; set; }

public class Option : IOption
    public string Description {get; set;}
    public Expression<Func<object,bool>> MyFunc { get; set; }

public abstract class Base 
    public abstract ObservableCollection<Option> Options { get; set; }
    public abstract Option SelectedOption { get; set; }

    public abstract void RunIt();

public class Generic<T> : Base
    private DBContext _context;

    public override ObservableCollection<Option> Options { get; set; }
    public override Option SelectedOption { get; set; }

    public Generic()
       : base()
        Options = new ObservableCollection<Option>();
    public override void RunIt()
        var result = _context.Set<T>().Where(SelectedOption?.MyFunc);
        // process result

public class MyClass : Generic<MyType>
    public MyClass
       : base()
        Func<MyType,bool> expression = t => t.MyDescription = "Hello World";
        Options.Add(new Option("Hi", expression));  // fail to compile type mismatch
        SelectedOption = Options.First();

public class Special : Base
// do something else

public class WindowViewModel
   public WindowViewModel ()
     MyViewModels = new ObservableCollection<Base>();
     MyViewModels.Add(new Special());
     MyViewModels.Add(new MyClass());

   public ObservableCollection<Base> MyViewModels {get; set;}
   public Base SelectedViewModel { get; set; }

   public void DoRunIt()

one of the things I did try that compiles but throws runtime exception when used, is我确实尝试编译但在使用时抛出运行时异常的事情之一是

Func<MyType,bool> expression = t => t.MyDescription = "Hello World";
MyFunc = t => expression((MyType)t);

There is a way to do this.有一种方法可以做到这一点。 It uses the ability for all delegates ( Func<MyType, bool> is a delegate) to be cast to Delegate .它使用将所有委托( Func<MyType, bool>是委托)转换为Delegate的能力。

You'd change IOption and Option to this:您将IOptionOption更改为此:

public interface IOption
    public string Description { get; set; }
    Func<T, bool> GetMyFunc<T>();

public class Option : IOption
    string description;
    private Delegate expression;

    public Option(string description, Delegate expression)
        this.description = description;
        this.expression = expression;

    public string Description { get; set; }
    public Func<T, bool> GetMyFunc<T>() => (Func<T, bool>)this.expression;

Then MyClass works as expected (except for the other syntax error in your code).然后MyClass按预期工作(代码中的其他语法错误除外)。

You then just need to change RunIt on Generic<T> to this:然后,您只需将Generic<T>上的RunIt更改为:

public override void RunIt()
    var result = _context.Set<T>().Where(SelectedOption?.GetMyFunc<T>());
    // process result

Question: is there a different way to declare MyFunc in IOption without using generics to allow assignment of Func<T,bool> in MyClass?问题:是否有不同的方法在 IOption 中声明 MyFunc 而无需使用 generics 以允许在 MyClass 中分配 Func<T,bool>?

No, I don't believe that is possible.不,我不认为这是可能的。 You can have generic methods in a non generic type, though.不过,您可以在非泛型类型中使用泛型方法。

However, there is an option that might work for you.但是,有一个选项可能适合您。 You state你 state

I dont want to make the Base generic as introducing generics there just makes everything else a real mess.我不想让 Base 变得通用,因为在那里引入 generics 只会让其他一切变得一团糟。

How about having both?两者兼得怎么样?

public abstract class Base<T>
    public abstract ObservableCollection<Option<T>> Options { get; set; }
    public abstract Option<T> SelectedOption { get; set; }

    public abstract void RunIt();

public abstract class Base : Base<object> { }

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