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创建 s3 存储桶时传递附加参数

[英]Passing additional parameters while creating s3 bucket

Is there a way to pass additional parameters to the AWS API when creating aws_s3_bucket resource, namengly CreateBucketConfiguration/LocationConstraint ?在创建aws_s3_bucket资源时,有没有办法将其他参数传递给 AWS API,即CreateBucketConfiguration/LocationConstraint

You can't do this directly, but you can obtain the same effect through provider alias set to a given region:您不能直接执行此操作,但可以通过为给定区域设置提供商别名来获得相同的效果:

provider "aws" {  
   alias  = "west"  
   region = "us-west-2"

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mybucket" {  
   provider = aws.west

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