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从 firebase 检索到的数据中删除大括号和等号

[英]Remove curly braces and equal sign from data retrieved from firebase

So, I am using android studio to make an app that displays data stored in firebase real-time database.所以,我正在使用 android 工作室制作一个应用程序,显示存储在 firebase 实时数据库中的数据。 The app is simple, it displays the name and phone number from firebase to the app.该应用程序很简单,它将姓名和电话号码从 firebase 显示到应用程序。

The app works fine and even displays the data but the only thing is it displays the data/values with curly braces and an equal sign (like a JSON format) is there anyway I can make it display just the desired values and not the extra signs and punctuation该应用程序运行良好,甚至可以显示数据,但唯一的问题是它用大括号和等号(如 JSON 格式)显示数据/值,无论如何我可以让它只显示所需的值而不是额外的符号和标点符号



ArrayList<String> list =new ArrayList<>();
ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.list_view, list);

DatabaseReference ref= FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Car Wash");

ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
    public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
        for(DataSnapshot snapshot: dataSnapshot.getChildren()){

    public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {


What you're seeing is the toString() output of the value a Firebase DataSnapshot that represents an object with multiple values.您看到的是值 a Firebase DataSnapshottoString() output,表示具有多个值的 object。

You'll want to get the individual values from that snapshot, and display their values with something like this:您需要从该快照中获取各个值,并使用如下所示显示它们的值:

String name = snapshot.child("Name").getValue(String.class);
String phoneNr = snapshot.child("Phone Number").getValue(String.class);
list.add(name+" ("+phoneNr+")");

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