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如何使用 React native 在按钮单击时更改应用程序中的字体大小

[英]How to change font size in the app on button click using React native

In my react native application I need to add + and - buttons in settings screen to increase or decrease the font size in the entire app when we click on those buttons from settings screen.Any help would be appreciated.在我的本机反应应用程序中,我需要在设置屏幕中添加 + 和 - 按钮,以在我们从设置屏幕中单击这些按钮时增加或减小整个应用程序中的字体大小。我们将不胜感激。

one way to make this is to create a state and update the fontsize on style一种方法是创建一个fontsize并更新样式的字体大小


const [fontSize, setFontSize] = useState(14);

    return (
      <p style={{fontSize: `${fontSize}px`}}>
         My text
      <button onChange={() => setFontSize(fontSize + 1)}>More</button>
      <button onChange={() => setFontSize(fontSize - 1)}>Less</button>

to make this you can set this fontSize at top level.为此,您可以在顶层设置此fontSize

another way to make this is add any CSS lib and set the same state in a global CSS using the * on css另一种方法是添加任何 CSS 库并使用 css 上的*在全局 CSS 中设置相同的 state

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