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Discord.py v1.7.3:从频道中检索每个嵌入并“随机”选择一个作为消息发送

[英]Discord.py v1.7.3: Retrieving every embed from a channel and 'randomly' picking one to send as a message

What I'm trying to do: I am attempting to create a command that searches the history of a specific discord channel, creates an index of every embed in it, and then 'randomly' selects one.我想做什么:我正在尝试创建一个命令来搜索特定 discord 频道的历史记录,为其中的每个嵌入创建一个索引,然后“随机”选择一个。 Once it had done so, I intended it to forward the description of the embed so that the content of the embed was available in the channel the command was called in.一旦它这样做了,我打算它转发嵌入的描述,以便嵌入的内容在调用命令的频道中可用。

Problem: It somewhat 'works' in that it retrieves embeds within the channel specified and forwards it to the channel called in, but I specifically wanted to get the embed descriptions instead of this: <Message id=id channel=<TextChannel id=id name='general' position=0 nsfw=False news=False category_id=id> type=<MessageType.default: 0> author=<User id=id name='name' discriminator='id' bot=False> flags=<MessageFlags value=0>>问题:它有点“有效”,因为它检索指定通道内的嵌入并将其转发到调用的通道,但我特别想获取嵌入描述而不是这个: <Message id=id channel=<TextChannel id=id name='general' position=0 nsfw=False news=False category_id=id> type=<MessageType.default: 0> author=<User id=id name='name' discriminator='id' bot=False> flags=<MessageFlags value=0>>

Originally, I had intended to actually include any attachments within the embed as well, but I couldn't even get the description alone so I quickly gave up on that until I could at least figure this out with my meager knowledge.最初,我实际上也打算在嵌入中包含任何附件,但我什至无法单独获得描述,所以我很快就放弃了,直到我至少可以用我微薄的知识弄清楚这一点 Unfortunately I'm at a complete loss at what to do at this point.不幸的是,此时我完全不知道该怎么做。

@commands.command(name="emb", brief="Rolls for HoF entries.", case_insensitive=True)
async def get_embeds(self, ctx):
    channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(503998241193328672))
    all_messages = await ctx.channel.history(limit=500).flatten()
    for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels:
        async for message in channel.history(limit=500):
    message_to_send = random.choice(all_messages)
    await ctx.send(message_to_send)
    await ctx.send('Here you go {}'.format(ctx.author.mention))

You have just got the Message object. Ironically what you don't want is what you need to get the embed description.您刚刚收到消息 object。具有讽刺意味的是,您不想要的是获取嵌入描述所需的内容。 Access the description like so: message_to_send.embeds[0].description像这样访问描述: message_to_send.embeds[0].description

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