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如何从 azureBot 记录团队会议

[英]How to Record Team meeting From as azureBot

i am using this code to join and record ongoing meeting, I am able to join the meeting but not able to record it.我正在使用此代码加入和录制正在进行的会议,我可以加入会议但无法录制。 I am using following code for join and recording.They are asking for compliance policy and third party "callcab.net" for enabling recording.我正在使用以下代码进行加入和录音。他们要求合规政策和第三方“callcab.net”以启用录音。 i just enabled calling policy but should i have to get subscription of "callcab.net" also.我刚刚启用了呼叫策略,但我是否还必须订阅“callcab.net”。 Please help me in how to record team meeting using my azure bot.请帮助我如何使用我的 azure 机器人记录团队会议。 Please help me, this is my humble request.请帮助我,这是我的卑微请求。

 public async Task<Call> JoinScheduledMeeting(string meetingUrl)
                MeetingInfo meetingInfo;
                ChatInfo chatInfo;

                (chatInfo, meetingInfo) = JoinInfo.ParseJoinURL(meetingUrl);

                var call = new Call
                    CallbackUri = $"{this.configuration[Common.Constants.BotBaseUrlConfigurationSettingsKey]}/callback",
                    RequestedModalities = new List<Modality>()
                    MediaConfig = new ServiceHostedMediaConfig
                    ChatInfo = chatInfo,
                    MeetingInfo = meetingInfo,
                    TenantId = (meetingInfo as OrganizerMeetingInfo)?.Organizer.GetPrimaryIdentity()?.GetTenantId()

                var statefulCall = await graphServiceClient.Communications.Calls

                var clientContext = "clientContext-value";
               var status = RecordingStatus.NotRecording | RecordingStatus.Failed | RecordingStatus.Recording;

                await graphServiceClient.Communications.Calls[statefulCall.Id]
                    .UpdateRecordingStatus(status, clientContext)

                return statefulCall;
            catch (Exception e)
                return null;

You have to assign a recording policy to a set of users.您必须将录制策略分配给一组用户。 The recording bot will not be allowed to record unless a user with a recording policy joined the call or meeting.除非具有录音策略的用户加入通话或会议,否则不允许录音机器人进行录音。

You have to enabled policy certification first.您必须先启用策略认证。

You have to take vendor certification.您必须获得供应商认证。 For vendor certification send mail to Teamscategorypartner@microsoft.com.如需供应商认证,请发送邮件至 Teamscategorypartner@microsoft.com。

Doc Reference - Compliance recording policy assignment and provisioning文档参考 - 合规性记录策略分配和配置

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