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如何在不使用安全标志的情况下防止 Android 中的屏幕捕获?

[英]How to prevent Screen Capture in Android without using Secure Flag?

I am working on 1 application for Video chatting where I need to implement the following functionalities.我正在开发 1 个视频聊天应用程序,我需要在其中实现以下功能。

  1. During video chat if anyone tries to capture a screenshot of the screen then he can able to take a screenshot but at that time I need to show a warning popup message and report to the admin.在视频聊天期间,如果有人试图截取屏幕截图,那么他可以截取屏幕截图,但那时我需要显示警告弹出消息并向管理员报告。 But if I use "Secure Flag" then it will prevent taking screenshots but I can't able to show a warning popup message and report to a user.但是,如果我使用“安全标志”,那么它将阻止截屏,但我无法显示警告弹出消息并向用户报告。

  2. Similar way if anyone tries to capture screen recording then can't able to record and we can show warning popup.类似的方式,如果有人试图捕获屏幕录制然后无法录制,我们可以显示警告弹出窗口。

By using "Secure Flag" we can prevent taking screenshots and screen recording but we can't get any event and due to that we can't show warning popup messages.通过使用“Secure Flag”,我们可以阻止截图和屏幕录制,但我们无法获取任何事件,因此我们无法显示警告弹出消息。

Neither of those are possible, sorry.这些都不可能,抱歉。 Your app is not informed about apps using the media projection APIs, which includes any device-supplied screenshot/screencast tools.您的应用不会获知使用媒体投影 API 的应用,其中包括任何设备提供的屏幕截图/截屏工具。

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