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[英]Adding values in a new column based on column name of other dataset

Currently I have two datasets.目前我有两个数据集。 One with locations within the company and the amount of products that are being produced at each location on each day.一个包含公司内的位置以及每天在每个位置生产的产品数量。 The other with the locations and the capacity of each location on each day.另一个是每天的地点和每个地点的容量。 I have illustrated both of them below.我在下面说明了它们。

Dataset 1 (Amount of products product on certain days of the week):数据集 1(一周中某些天的产品数量):

Location地点 Day of the week一周中的天 Produced出品
Location A地点A Monday周一 20 20
Location B位置 B Monday周一 30 30
Location C地址 C Monday周一 55 55
Location A地点A Tuesday周二 25 25
Location B位置 B Tuesday周二 24 24
Location C地址 C Tuesday周二 70 70

Dataset 2 (The capacity of each location on each day of the week)数据集 2(一周中每一天每个位置的容量)

Location地点 Monday周一 Tuesday周二
Location A地点A 50 50 50 50
Location B位置B 60 60 50 50
Location C地址 C 80 80 80 80

What I want to do is add a new column to the first dataset.我想要做的是向第一个数据集添加一个新列。 I want that column to be named 'Capacity' and I want it to kinda look like this:我希望将该列命名为“容量”,并且我希望它看起来像这样:

Location地点 Day of the week一周中的天 Produced出品 Capacity容量
Location A地点A Monday周一 20 20 50 50
Location A地点A Tuesday周二 25 25 50 50

I've tried multiple ifelse statements, but failed miserably and are working on it for quite some time now.我已经尝试了多个 ifelse 语句,但惨遭失败,并且现在正在研究它很长一段时间。 Is there someone who might know a fix?有人可能知道修复方法吗?

You can pivot_longer df2 and then merge df1 and df2您可以pivot_longer df2然后merge df1df2


      pivot_longer(df2, colnames(df2[,2:3]), 
                   names_to="Day of the week", values_to="Capacity"),
      by=c("Location","Day of the week"))
    Location Day of the week Produced Capacity
1 Location A          Monday       20       50
2 Location A         Tuesday       25       50
3 Location B          Monday       30       60
4 Location B         Tuesday       24       50
5 Location C          Monday       55       80
6 Location C         Tuesday       70       80


df1 <- structure(list(Location = c("Location A", "Location B", "Location C", 
"Location A", "Location B", "Location C"), `Day of the week` = c("Monday", 
"Monday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Tuesday", "Tuesday"), Produced = c(20L, 
30L, 55L, 25L, 24L, 70L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

df2 <- structure(list(Location = c("Location A", "Location B", "Location C"
), Monday = c(50L, 60L, 80L), Tuesday = c(50L, 50L, 80L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

You need to put your Capacity data into long format and then merge.您需要将容量数据放入长格式,然后合并。 Here I use tidyr::pivot_longer() for the former and then dplyr::left_join() for the latter.在这里,我对前者使用tidyr::pivot_longer() ,然后对后者使用 dplyr::left_join( dplyr::left_join()


d1 <- structure(list(Location = c("Location A", "Location B", "Location C", "Location A", "Location B", "Location C"), Day_of_week = c("Monday", "Monday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Tuesday", "Tuesday"), Produced = c(20L, 30L, 55L, 25L, 24L, 70L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))

d2 <- structure(list(Location = c("Location A", "Location B", "Location C"), Monday = c(50L, 60L, 80L), Tuesday = c(50L, 50L, 80L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))

d2 %>% 
  pivot_longer(-Location, names_to = "Day_of_week", values_to = "Capacity") %>% 
  left_join(d1, .)
#> Joining, by = c("Location", "Day_of_week")
#>     Location Day_of_week Produced Capacity
#> 1 Location A      Monday       20       50
#> 2 Location B      Monday       30       60
#> 3 Location C      Monday       55       80
#> 4 Location A     Tuesday       25       50
#> 5 Location B     Tuesday       24       50
#> 6 Location C     Tuesday       70       80

Created on 2022-02-17 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)reprex package (v2.0.1) 创建于 2022-02-17

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