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WinUI 3 1.0:Window 就绪事件

[英]WinUI 3 1.0 : Window Ready Event

I am trying to execute code when the window is ready.我正在尝试在 window 准备就绪时执行代码。

Specifically, I am trying to make the window maximize.具体来说,我正在尝试使 window 最大化。 The issue is I cannot run this code synchronously after InitializeComponent because it is too soon (the window is not yet ready/ loaded/ shown, so setting the Presenter has no effect)问题是我无法在InitializeComponent之后同步运行此代码,因为它太早了(window 尚未准备/加载/显示,因此设置Presenter无效)

The issue is the Window.Loaded event doesn't seem to be exposed by WinUI 3 (version 1.0).问题是Window.Loaded事件似乎没有被 WinUI 3(版本 1.0)公开。

So here is my current hack.所以这是我目前的技巧。 In the constructor (after InitializeComponent ), I hook into one of the only events exposed by WinUI 3, Activated在构造函数中(在InitializeComponent之后),我挂接到 WinUI 3 公开的唯一事件之一, Activated

Activated += MainWindow_Activated_FirstTime;

The issue is, this fires any time the window is focused, pretty much.问题是,只要 window 聚焦,它就会触发,几乎。 So the workaround is I just remove the event handler, inside the event handler所以解决方法是我只删除事件处理程序内部的事件处理程序

private void MainWindow_Activated_FirstTime(object sender, WindowActivatedEventArgs args)
    Activated -= MainWindow_Activated_FirstTime;

( SetupWindow sets the window presenter) SetupWindow设置 window 演示者)

Now, like I said, this works , but I think it's pretty hacky.现在,就像我说的,这行得通,但我认为它很老套。 I was wondering if there was a proper way to hook into the Loaded or maybe some equivalent event like Ready or Rendered .我想知道是否有一种正确的方法可以连接到Loaded或某些等效事件,例如ReadyRendered I really don't care what I hook into as long as it's better than this.只要比这更好,我真的不在乎我喜欢什么。

If you have set the Content property of the window to a FrameworkElement , such as for example a Panel of any kind, you could handle the Loaded event of this one.如果您已将 window 的Content属性设置为FrameworkElement ,例如任何类型的Panel ,您可以处理此面板的Loaded事件。

You could also use the DispatcherQueue to enqueue some work with low priority to be done as soon as the dispatcher thread is ready:您还可以使用DispatcherQueue将一些低优先级的工作排入队列,以便在调度程序线程准备好后立即完成:

public MainWindow()
        new Microsoft.UI.Dispatching.DispatcherQueueHandler(() =>

As of Win App Sdk 1.1.3, the event is now exposed截至Win App Sdk 1.1.3,事件现已曝光



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