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是否可以在 Azure kube.netes 服务中实现多个接口 pod?

[英]Is it possible to implement multiple interface pods in Azure kubernetes service?

I am trying to implement multi interface pods in azure kube.netes service.我正在尝试在 azure kube.netes 服务中实现多接口 pod。 It seems like multus is not supported in aks( 1 ). aks( 1 ) 似乎不支持 multus。 Is there any other way to achieve this.有没有其他方法可以实现这一目标。 If possible what.network policy and.network configurations should be used?如果可能,应该使用什么网络策略和网络配置?

This feature is not available today with Azure CNI.此功能目前不适用于 Azure CNI。 Also, there is no work around to implement multus or any other CNI like calico with AKS.此外,没有解决方法可以使用 AKS 实施 multus 或任何其他 CNI,如 calico。 Having said that, you can do provide your feedback here in this feature request form for its future availability.话虽如此,您可以在此功能请求表中提供您的反馈,以了解其未来的可用性。

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