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如何定义一个模板 function,它只接受一个基类 class,参数 T 是它的子类?

[英]How to define a template function that only accepts a base class with parameter T of type its subclass?

It is not specific to casting.它不特定于铸造。 My scenario is how to define a template function that only accepts a base class for parameter T of type subclass.我的场景是如何定义一个模板 function,它只接受一个基类 class 作为子类类型的参数T

template<typename T> // T must be a subclass
T* DoSomething(<I don't know> parent) // parent must be a base class
    // here the specified subclass of type T is produced.
    // return object of type T which is a subclass.

A contrived usage:人为的用法:

Parent* p = new Child();
Child* c = DoSomething<Child>(p);
delete p;

One way could be by using std::is_base_of or std::is_base_of_v in combination with a static_assert :一种方法是将std::is_base_ofstd::is_base_of_vstatic_assert结合使用:

template<typename Derived, typename Base>
Derived* CastChecked(Base* parent)

    return dynamic_cast<Derived*>(parent);

As you are not specifying a language version, I want to add the C++20 and beyond way is to use concepts.由于您没有指定语言版本,我想添加 C++20 及以后的方法是使用概念。 Your case is actually shown as an example on cpp reference .您的案例实际上显示为cpp reference 上的示例。

For your case对于你的情况

#include <type_traits>

// concept
template <class D, class B>
concept Derived = std::is_base_of_v<B, D>;

template <typename D, typename B>
    requires Derived<D, B>
D* CastChecked(B* parent) {
    return dynamic_cast<D*>(parent);

struct Foo {};
struct Bar : Foo {};
struct Baz {};

int main() {
    auto foo{Foo{}};
    Bar* bar{&foo};

    auto const r1{CastChecked<Foo>(bar)};

    // auto const r2{CastChecked<Baz>(bar)}; fails

However, you don't have to roll your own concept, as there's already a concept in the standard library: std::derived_from .但是,您不必推出自己的概念,因为标准库中已经有一个概念: std::derived_from So you can just write:所以你可以写:

#include <concepts>

template <typename D, typename B>
    requires std::derived_from<D, B>
D* CastChecked(B* parent) {
    return dynamic_cast<D*>(parent);


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