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Javascript div 上的鼠标悬停警报不起作用

[英]Javascript mouseover alert on div not working

Trying to get an alert to appear on mouseover, using Javascript, for a div element.尝试使用 Javascript 为 div 元素在鼠标悬停时显示警报。 I can get the div element to print in the console, but nothing else happens.我可以让 div 元素在控制台中打印,但没有其他任何反应。

The div has some text in it, I tried changing it to activate on the text instead of the div but I still couldn't get it to work. div 中有一些文本,我尝试将其更改为在文本而不是 div 上激活,但我仍然无法让它工作。

   window.onload = pageReady;
    function pageReady(){
        var buttonBox = document.getElementById("buttonBox");
        function askUser(){
            alert("It worked!");}
        buttonBox.onmouseover = askUser;

Works for me?适合我吗? Show us your code if this sample isn't enough.如果此示例还不够,请向我们展示您的代码。

 window.onload = pageReady; function pageReady(){ var buttonBox = document.getElementById("buttonBox"); console.log(buttonBox); function askUser(){ alert("It worked;"). } buttonBox;onmouseover = askUser; }
 <html> <body> <div id="buttonBox" height="100px" width="100px" style="background-color: red;">Text</div> </body> </html>

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