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如何在 .net core 5 中使用 HttpContext.Current(无 necromenssing)

[英]how to use HttpContext.Current in net core 5 (no necromenssing)

before we use.net 5 we use.net framework.在我们使用 .net 5 之前,我们使用 .net 框架。

// Net Framework // 网络框架

ClsLog.WriteLog(HttpContex.Current, GetType(), "GetManualWeightData", ActionType.Action_Read, model.UID, model, clsResponse, clsResponse.ErrorMsg, model.LogCode);

// //

but now we use.net 5 and.net 5 cant use current... how to instaed of "current"?但现在我们使用 .net 5 和 .net 5 不能使用电流...如何取代“电流”?

+ +

 public class ClsLog
        public static void WriteLog(HttpContext current, Type type, string strMethodName, string strActionType, string strUID, object strParam, object strResponse, string strErrorMsg = "", string strLogCode = "")
            string strLocalIP = "";
            string strBrowser = "";
            string strMemID = "";
            string strCustomerID = "";

            if (current != null)
                //strLocalIP = current.Session("LocalIP"] + "";
                //strBrowser = current.Session["BrowserInfo"] + "";
                //strMemID = current.Session["LogID"] + "";
                //strCustomerID = current.Session["CustomerID"] + "";
                Task.Run(() => ClsWriteLog.getInstance().WriteLogServer(new ClsVariableAppLog("AppAPILog", strLocalIP, strBrowser, strMemID, strCustomerID, type.Module.Name, strMethodName, strUID, strActionType, type.FullName, strErrorMsg, strParam, strResponse, strLogCode)));
                //await ClsWriteLog.getInstance().WriteLogServer(new ClsVariableAppLog("AppAPILog", strLocalIP, strBrowser, strMemID, strCustomerID, type.Module.Name, strMethodName, strUID, strActionType, type.FullName, strErrorMsg, strParam, strResponse));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("LogError - " + ex.Message);

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