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React Component with SubComponent - 热重载不起作用

[英]React Component with SubComponent - hot reload does not work

I have an issue with my project with a simple SubComponent .我的项目有一个简单的SubComponent If I do any changes inside that SubComonent it is not hot reloaded.如果我在该SubComonent内部进行任何更改,则不会热重新加载。 I am not sure how to fix it.我不确定如何修复它。

I have components defined like this:我有这样定义的组件:

// Component.tsx
export const Component = () => {
  return <div>Component</div>;

Component.SubComponent = function SubComponent() {
  return <div>Hello From Sub</div>;

export const SubComponent1 = function SubComponent1() {
  return <div>Hello From Sub1</div>;

And usage:和用法:

// App.tsx
<Component.SubComponent />
<SubComponent1 />

If I do changes in Component.SubComponent it is not reloaded, but if I do changes in SubComponent1 it works well.如果我在Component.SubComponent中进行更改,则不会重新加载,但如果我在SubComponent1中进行更改,则效果很好。

I have tested this with the clean create-react-app install and it does not work there too.我已经用干净的 create-react-app 安装测试了它,但它在那里也不起作用。

Any ideas on how to fix this or what is wrong with the code?关于如何解决这个问题或代码有什么问题的任何想法? I found quite a lot of articles about sub components on the inte.net.我在inte.net 上找到了很多关于子组件的文章。

The approach seems bad to me.这种方法对我来说似乎很糟糕。

export const Component = () => {
  return <div>Component</div>;

Component.SubComponent = function SubComponent() {
  return <div>Hello From Sub</div>;

Export components one by one.一一导出组件。

export const Form = () => (<></>)
export const Item = () => (<></>)

import * as Form from '...'


I see that <Form.Form /> is ugly.我看到<Form.Form />很丑。 Another way would be:另一种方法是:

export const Form = () => (<></>)
export const Item = () => (<></>)

import { Form, Item as FormItem } from '...'


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