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通过将 C# function 应用于另一列来更新 sql 表列

[英]Update sql table column by applying a C# function to another column

I need to update a table column by applying a defined function to that column.我需要通过将定义的 function 应用于该列来更新表列。 Using MySqlCommand for example.例如使用 MySqlCommand。 Eg.例如。 I have a C# defined function that cleans text string GetCleanText(string text_to_clean) and in one of my tables, I have a column fullTxt that contains the text to be cleaned, and another column txt that is empty for now.我有一个 C# 定义的 function 清理文本string GetCleanText(string text_to_clean)在我的一个表中,我有一列fullTxt包含要清理的文本,另一列txt现在是空的。

I should have as a result: txt = GetCleanText(fullTxt) .结果应该是: txt = GetCleanText(fullTxt)

I tried using a foreach loop, but it is so expansive, since I have several rows in my table.我尝试使用foreach循环,但它太庞大了,因为我的表中有几行。

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

// Get all entries in the log table that have the html log and do not have text answers
            MySqlCommand request1 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE fullTxt IS NOT NULL AND txt IS NULL", conn);

            // loop over results and clean the text entries
            List<List<string>> tobefilled = new List<List<string>>(); 

            using (MySqlDataReader r = request1.ExecuteReader())
                while (r.Read())
                    string id = r.GetString("id");
                    string fullTxt = r.GetString("fullTxt");
                    string txt = this.GetCleanText(fullTxt);
                    tobefilled.Add(new List<string>() { id, txt });

            System.Console.WriteLine($"{tobefilled.Count} to be updated ...");
            // Update all entries in the log table that have the html log and do not have text answers
            MySqlCommand request2 = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE my_table SET txt = @txt WHERE id = @id", conn);
            request2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txt", "");
            request2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", "");

            foreach (List<string> elem in tobefilled)
                request2.Parameters["@txt"].Value = elem[1];
                request2.Parameters["@id"].Value = elem[0];


I don't know if this is so clean as a method, but it works faster:我不知道这是否像一种方法一样干净,但它工作得更快:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

namespace DatabaseMigrations.MigrationScripts
    class MigrationScript
        /// <summary>
        /// Take a string having html formatted content, and extract raw text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">input html string</param>
        /// <returns>cleaned text in a string</returns>
        public string GetCleanText(string html)
            // parse the html in TxtMessage to extract text only
            var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
            var htmlNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/");  // all nodes in the html
            string txtMessage = (htmlNodes[0].InnerText).Trim();
            return txtMessage;

        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the txt column of previous bot logs with the parsed html content from the fullTxt column
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn"></param>
        public override void ApplyDataMigrationOperations(MySqlConnection conn)
            // Get all entries in the log table that have the html log and do not have text answers
            MySqlCommand request1 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM logmessagefrombot WHERE fullTxt IS NOT NULL AND txt IS NULL", conn);

            // loop over results and clean the text entries
            List<List<string>> tobefilled = new List<List<string>>(); 

            using (MySqlDataReader r = request1.ExecuteReader())
                while (r.Read())
                    string id = r.GetString("id");
                    string fullTxt = r.GetString("fullTxt");
                    string txt = this.GetCleanText(fullTxt);
                    tobefilled.Add(new List<string>() { id, txt });

            System.Console.WriteLine($"{tobefilled.Count} to be updated ...");
            // Update all entries in the log table that have the html log and do not have text answers

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            string cases = " WHEN @id THEN \"@txt\" ";
            List<string> ids = new List<string>();
            sb.Append("UPDATE logmessagefrombot SET txt = ( CASE id ");

            if (tobefilled.Count > 0)
                foreach (List<string> elem in tobefilled)
                    sb.Append(cases.Replace("@id", elem[0]).Replace("@txt", elem[1].Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\"", "''")));
                sb.Append("ELSE txt ");
                sb.Append("END )");
                sb.Append("WHERE id IN ( ");
                sb.Append(string.Join(",", ids.ToArray()) + ")");
                MySqlCommand request2 = new MySqlCommand(sb.ToString(), conn);


the resulting query, built with StringBuilder is too long, but it works.使用StringBuilder构建的结果查询太长,但它可以工作。

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