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Azure AD B2C 不显示自定义应用程序的登录信息

[英]Azure AD B2C not showing logins for custom app

Currently using Azure AD B2C as our authentication provider and we have a requirement to access logs of all user login activity for our custom application.目前使用 Azure AD B2C 作为我们的身份验证提供程序,我们需要访问我们自定义应用程序的所有用户登录活动的日志。

If I navigate to the B2C portal, Users>Sign-in logs I only see sign ins for Application of type "Azure Portal"?如果我导航到 B2C 门户,用户 > 登录日志我只看到类型为“Azure 门户”的应用程序的登录?

Is there anything that needs to be enabled for a custom app registered in the "App registrations" section to see this activity?是否需要为在“应用程序注册”部分中注册的自定义应用程序启用任何内容才能看到此活动?

You can't see user sign-ins for individual Azure AD B2C applications under the Users section of the Azure Active Directory or Azure AD B2C pages in the Azure portal.在 Azure Active Directory 的“用户”部分或 Azure 门户中的 Azure AD B2C 页面下,您看不到个人 Azure AD B2C 应用程序的用户登录。 The sign-in events there show user activity.那里的登录事件显示用户活动。

For Workound You can check the users login to your custome app using filter the Application Name.对于 Workound 您可以使用过滤应用程序名称来检查用户登录到您的客户应用程序。

AZureADB2C->User->SigninLogs AZureADB2C->用户->登录日志

Like I have shown in below Picture.就像我在下面的图片中显示的那样。

在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

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