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Angular 更改检测未在初始导航的延迟加载页面上发生

[英]Angular Change Detection not happening on Lazy loaded pages on initial navigation

I am currently using Angular 13 and Ionic v6 with AngularFire v7.我目前正在使用 Angular 13 和 Ionic v6 以及 AngularFire v7。

After logging in to the application with firebase authentication.使用 firebase 身份验证登录应用程序后。 I navigate the user to the lazy-loaded home page.我将用户导航到延迟加载的主页。 In the background, I retrieve some required company data and share them through the service using a behaviour subject.在后台,我检索了一些所需的公司数据,并使用行为主题通过服务共享它们。 If the user has never logged in before the page gets stuck on loading.如果用户在页面卡在加载之前从未登录过。

If I resize the window the content appears or if I navigate away and come back the content appears.如果我调整 window 的大小,内容就会出现,或者如果我离开并返回,内容就会出现。 This happens with each lazy-loaded page after initial login.在初始登录后,每个延迟加载的页面都会发生这种情况。 I use the async pipe to access the observables so all that is managed by angular.我使用异步 pipe 来访问可观察对象,因此所有这些都由 angular 管理。

I have tried to manually detect changes and tried multiple versions of observables and strategies but nothing works.我曾尝试手动检测更改并尝试了多个版本的可观察对象和策略,但没有任何效果。

Here is a demo of the issue这是问题的演示

Ts file文件

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { IonRouterOutlet } from '@ionic/angular';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { AddEstimatePage } from './add-estimate/add-estimate.component';
import { Company } from '../models/company.model';
import { MasterService } from '../services/master.service';
import { Estimate } from '../models/estimate.model';
  selector: 'app-estimates',
  templateUrl: './estimates.page.html',
export class EstimatesPage implements OnInit {
  estimates$: Observable<Estimate[] | any>;
  company$: Observable<Company>;
  user$: Observable<any>;
  isLoading = true;
  constructor(private masterSvc: MasterService) {
    this.company$ = this.masterSvc.auth().company$;
    this.user$ = this.masterSvc.auth().user$;

  ngOnInit() {

  async editEstimate(
    estimate: Estimate,
    data: { company: Company; user: any }
  ) {
    const modal = await this.masterSvc.modal().create({
      component: AddEstimatePage,
      componentProps: {
        company: data.company,
        user: data.user,
        isEdit: true,
      showBackdrop: false,
      id: 'editEstimate',
      cssClass: 'fullscreen',
    return await modal.present();

  async addEstimate(data: { company: Company; user: any }) {
    const modal = await this.masterSvc.modal().create({
      component: AddEstimatePage,
      componentProps: {
        company: data.company,
        user: data.user,
      cssClass: 'fullscreen',
      showBackdrop: false,
      id: 'addEstimate',
    return await modal.present();

  init() {
    this.estimates$ = this.company$.pipe(
      switchMap((company) => {
        if (company) {
          return this.masterSvc
        } else {
          return of(false);
    ) as Observable<any>;

html file html 文件

<app-header title="Estimates" btnName="refresh" (updated)="init()"></app-header>
<ion-content fullscreen="true">
  <app-header-condensed title="Estimates"></app-header-condensed>
  <ng-container *ngIf="{company: company$ |async, user: user$ | async} as data">
      *ngIf="estimates$ | async else loading"

    <ion-fab class="m-2" vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
      <ion-fab-button (click)="addEstimate(data)">
        <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
    <ng-template #loading>
      <div class="ion-padding">


I got it working with the following.我得到它与以下工作。 It's a bit questionable but it works:)这有点可疑,但它有效:)

Ts file文件

import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, of, timer } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, filter, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { SiteFormComponent } from '../components/site-form/site-form.component';
import { AddEstimatePage } from '../estimates/add-estimate/add-estimate.component';
import { Company } from '../models/company.model';
import { Estimate } from '../models/estimate.model';
import { Site } from '../models/site.model';
import { MasterService } from '../services/master.service';
import { AddSiteComponent } from './add-site/add-site.component';

  selector: 'app-sites',
  templateUrl: './sites.page.html',
export class SitesPage implements OnInit {
  sites$: Observable<Site[] | any>;
  company$: Observable<Company>;
  user$: Observable<any>;
  isLoading = true;
    private masterSvc: MasterService,
    private change: ChangeDetectorRef
  ) {
    this.company$ = this.masterSvc.auth().company$;
    this.user$ = this.masterSvc.auth().user$;

  ngOnInit() {

  async viewSite(siteData: Site, data: { company: Company; user: any }) {
    const modal = await this.masterSvc.modal().create({
      component: AddSiteComponent,
      componentProps: {
        company: data.company,
        user: data.user,
        isEdit: true,
      showBackdrop: false,
      id: 'editSite',
      cssClass: 'fullscreen',
    return await modal.present();

  async addSite(data: { company: Company; user: any }) {
    const modal = await this.masterSvc.modal().create({
      component: AddSiteComponent,
      componentProps: {
        company: data.company,
        user: data.user,
        isCreate: true,
      cssClass: 'fullscreen',
      showBackdrop: false,
      id: 'addSite',
    return await modal.present();

  init() {
    this.sites$ = this.company$.pipe(
      switchMap((company) => {
        if (company) {
          return this.masterSvc
              tap(() => {
                this.isLoading = false;
        } else {
          return timer(1);
    ) as Observable<any>;

html file html 文件

<app-header title="Sites" btnName="refresh" (updated)="init()"></app-header>
<ion-content fullscreen="true">
  <app-header-condensed title="Sites"></app-header-condensed>
    *ngIf="{company: company$ |async, user: user$ | async,sites: sites$ | async} as data"
      *ngIf="!isLoading else loading"

    <ion-fab class="m-2" vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
      <ion-fab-button (click)="addSite(data)">
        <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
    <ng-template #loading>
      <div class="ion-padding">

Yesterday I have handled this problem and you can find a complete description on github.com/ionic-team昨天我已经处理了这个问题,你可以在github.com/ionic-team上找到完整的描述

Resume: There was a bug in @ionic/angular and you have to update it:简历:@ionic/angular 有一个错误,你必须更新它:

npm i @ionic/angular@latest

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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