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将文件从非 SMB 位置移动到 Java 中的 SMB 位置

[英]Move a file from a non-SMB location to a SMB location in Java

How do you move a file from a local non-SMB folder to a SMB location in the server?如何将文件从本地非 SMB 文件夹移动到服务器中的 SMB 位置?

Below code doesn't work, but it's something like this what I am after.下面的代码不起作用,但这就是我所追求的。 I am able to authenticate the smb location.我能够验证 smb 位置。

String sourceFile="target/abc.xml";
String smbDestinationFile="sharePath/abc/smblocation/xyz.xml";
SmbFile sTargetFile = performAuthenticationAndChecks(destinationFile, domain, domainUsername,
Files.move(Paths.get(sourceFile), (Path) sTargetFile);

I get this error:我收到此错误:

java.lang.ClassCastException: jcifs.smb1.smb1.SmbFile cannot be cast to java.nio.file.Path

You may be using an outdated library.您可能正在使用过时的库。 Look for maintained alternatives such as JFileServer or jNQ.寻找维护的替代品,例如 JFileServer 或 jNQ。

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