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确定性有限自动机 (DFA) 实施

[英]Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) Implementation

I need to build a state machine and write a control program to recognise a set of strings of zeros and ones, in which there are three zeros between each occurrence of one.我需要构建一台 state 机器并编写一个控制程序来识别一组由 0 和 1 组成的字符串,其中每个出现的 1 之间有 3 个 0。 Below is my code which is not working correctly.下面是我的代码,它不能正常工作。 I will be grateful for the advice我将不胜感激

Z = ["0", "1"]
Q = ["A", "B"]
S = "A"
F = "B"

def delta(s, z):
    i = Q.index(s)
    j = Z.index(z)
    matrix = [["A", "B"], ["B", "A"]]
    return matrix[i][j]

chain = "1000110110101"
transitions = ""

for char in range(len(chain)):
    if char == 0:
        transitions += S
        s = delta(S, chain[char])
        s = delta(s, chain[char])
    transitions += s

if transitions != "":
    print("The sequence of transitions of a finite automaton:", transitions)
    if transitions[-1] == F:
        print("Chain ", chain, "is allowed automaton, because the latter is the allowable state ", F)
        print("Chain ", chain, " is rejected by the automaton, so its final state is an inadmissible state", S)
    print("The chain is empty.")

You might not have been introduced to classes yet but I would definitely recommend using them for DFAs.您可能还没有接触过类,但我肯定会推荐将它们用于 DFA。

class binaryNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.zero = self
        self.one = self
        self.isAccept = True
    def process(self,char):
        if char == "0":
            return self.zero
        if char == "1":
            return self.one

#Define Nodes
start = binaryNode()
one = binaryNode()
firstZero = binaryNode()
secondZero = binaryNode()
thirdZero = binaryNode()
trailingZero = binaryNode()
reject = binaryNode()

#Define Edges
start.one = one
one.one = reject
one.zero = firstZero
firstZero.zero = secondZero
firstZero.one = reject
secondZero.zero = thirdZero
secondZero.one = reject
thirdZero.one = one
thirdZero.zero = trailingZero
trailingZero.one = reject

#Set Accept (or in this case reject) state
reject.isAccept = False

def process(chain,node):
    for char in chain:
        node = node.process(char)
    return node.isAccept

tests = ["0000",

for chain in tests:

I interpreted your "recognize a set of strings of zeros and ones, in which there are three zeros between each occurrence of one" with a focus on between so 100000000 passes and so does 100 because there is no second 1 to satisfy the "between" aspect but perhaps I'm misinterpreting.我解释了你的“识别一组零和一的字符串,其中每次出现的一个之间有三个零”,重点放在 100000000 次之间,100 次也是如此,因为没有第二个 1 来满足“之间”方面,但也许我误解了。

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