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如何根据用户输入打印不同的数据框? Rmarkdown/闪亮

[英]How to print different dataframes based of user input? Rmarkdown/Shiny

I am trying to have a user select a data frame and then have it be rendered as a table.我试图让用户 select 有一个数据框,然后将其呈现为表格。

Here is the code I have.这是我的代码。

title: "Untitled"
date: "2/24/2022"
output: html_document
runtime: shiny


selectInput(inputId = "dataset",label = "Choose Data Frame", choices = c(mtcars, iris, cars))

    dataset <- get(input$dataset, choices = c(mtcars, iris, cars))


Although for some reason the inputs are the column names of each dataset.尽管出于某种原因,输入是每个数据集的列名。


We may need choices as a vector of object names as string and then use get (assuming these objects are already created in the global env)我们可能需要choices作为 object 名称作为字符串的向量,然后使用get (假设这些对象已经在全局环境中创建)

selectInput(inputId = "dataset",label = "Choose Data Frame",
    choices = c("mtcars", "iris", "cars"))

  dataset <- get(input$dataset)

-output -输出


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