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我的一些 CSS 属性无法从 .CSS 文件中运行,但是当我尝试内联 css 时,它工作正常,同时使用 bootstrap 4

[英]some of my CSS properties not working from .CSS file but when i try inline css it works fine am using bootstrap 4 along with it

whenever I am trying to give a class to an h1 or h3 or any img and try to edit in my style.css file it doesn't make any changes but when I try inline CSS it works fine.每当我尝试将 class 提供给 h1 或 h3 或任何 img 并尝试在我的 style.css 文件中进行编辑时,它不会进行任何更改,但是当我尝试内联 CSS 时,它工作正常。 am using bootstrap 4.我正在使用引导程序 4。

here I have added CSS inline that's why it's working but when I try to add CSS in style.css by targetting a class it doesn't show effect.在这里我添加了 CSS inline 这就是它工作的原因但是当我尝试通过定位 class 在 style.css 添加 CSS 它没有显示效果。

 @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat:wght@900&display=swap'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Ubuntu:wght@300&display=swap'); body { font-family: "Montserrat"; } #title { background-color: #ff4c68; color: #fff; }.container { padding: 3% 15%; } p { color: #8f8f8f; } /* Navigation bar */.navbar-brand { font-family: "Ubuntu"; font-weight: bold; }.nav-item { padding: 0 18px; }.nav-link { font-family: "Ubuntu"; font-size: 1.2rem; font-weight: bold; } /* Download buttons */.download-button { margin: 5% 3% 5% 0; } /* Title image */.title-image { width: 60%; transform: rotate(25deg); } /* feature sectiom */ #features { padding: 7% 15%; }.feature-box { text-align: center; padding: 5%; }.icon { color: #ef8172; margin-bottom: 1rem; }.icon:hover { color: #ff4c68; } /* testimonial section */ #testimonials { padding: 7% 15%; text-align: center; background-color: #ef8172; color: #fff } #testimonial-image { width: 10%; border-radius: 100%; margin: 20%; }
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Add Your Custom CSS After Bootstrap在 Bootstrap 之后添加您的自定义 CSS

 @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat:wght@900&display=swap'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Ubuntu:wght@300&display=swap'); body { font-family: "Montserrat"; } #title { background-color: #ff4c68; color: #fff; }.container { padding: 3% 15%; } p { color: #8f8f8f; } /* Navigation bar */.navbar-brand { font-family: "Ubuntu"; font-weight: bold; }.nav-item { padding: 0 18px; }.nav-link { font-family: "Ubuntu"; font-size: 1.2rem; font-weight: bold; } /* Download buttons */.download-button { margin: 5% 3% 5% 0; } /* Title image */.title-image { width: 60%; transform: rotate(25deg); } /* feature sectiom */ #features { padding: 7% 15%; }.feature-box { text-align: center; padding: 5%; }.icon { color: #ef8172; margin-bottom: 1rem; }.icon:hover { color: #ff4c68; } /* testimonial section */ #testimonials { padding: 7% 15%; text-align: center; background-color: #ef8172; color: #fff } #testimonial-image { width: 10%; border-radius: 100%; margin: 20%; }
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This is not working because you have place bootstrap file after your file.That's why your file ignored.这不起作用,因为您在文件之后放置了引导程序文件。这就是您的文件被忽略的原因。

Place bootstrap file on the top,and your css file below boostrap's file.将 bootstrap 文件放在顶部,将 css 文件放在 boostrap 的文件下方。

Maintain following order:维持以下秩序:

fontawesome file fontawesome 文件
Your css file你的 css 文件
Just before closing body tag:就在关闭 body 标签之前:
Bootstrap js file引导程序 js 文件
Any third party js file任何第三方js文件
Your js file你的 js 文件

By doing this, you are telling that do more preference to my files.通过这样做,您是在告诉我更喜欢我的文件。


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相关问题 我的 CSS 文件与除 h1 和 class container-fluid 之外的所有元素连接并正常工作,我也在使用引导程序 - My CSS file connected and working fine with all elements except h1 and a class container-fluid and I am using bootstrap too CSS外部工作表不起作用,但是当我使用内联CSS时它可以工作 - CSS External Sheet not working but it works when i use inline CSS 为什么我的自定义 css 文件(我已将其与引导程序代码链接在一起)没有更改页面外观或无法正常工作? - Why is my custom css file, which I have linked along with the bootstrap code, is not changing the page appearance or not working? 在 angular 中,我的内容是从 api 获取的,内容具有内联样式 css。 我正在使用innerHTML="variable"。 样式不起作用 - in angular my content is being fetched from api the content has inline style css. and i am using innerHTML="variable". styling is not working 我网站上的CSS对于某些元素无法正常工作,但在其他具有相同元素的页面上也可以正常工作 - CSS in my website isnt working properly for some elements but it works fine on my other pagees with the same element 使用内联CSS时Bootstrap响应性失败 - Bootstrap Responsiveness fails when using inline css 使用 Bootstrap CSS 和自定义 CSS - Using Bootstrap CSS along with Custom CSS 我的 css 和 html 文件有一些问题 - I am having some problems with my css and html file 如何使用引导程序或 css 水平内联 - how to horizontally inline from using bootstrap or css 我正在使用引导程序如何使用我的 css 文件更改此导航栏的颜色? - I am using bootstrap how do I change the color of this navbar by using my css file?
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