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当您 hover 将鼠标悬停在文本上时,我应该更改文本颜色、大小和字体。 我怎样才能使这种情况持续发生?

[英]i am supposed to change the text color, size, and font when you hover the mouse over the text. How can i made this happen continiuously?

the mouseon Function changes the text to green, and its position. i also need it to change font and size. mouseon Function 将文本更改为绿色,其 position。我还需要它来更改字体和大小。 i need these two functions to happen all the time when the mouse is hovered over the text.当鼠标悬停在文本上时,我需要这两个功能一直发生。 i want the mouse off function to bring the text back to normal.我希望鼠标关闭 function 以使文本恢复正常。

function mouseOn(){
    document.getElementById("text").style.color = "green";
    document.getElementById("text").style.position = "fixed";
    document.getElementById("text").style.left = "300px";       
function mouseOff(){
    document.getElementById("text").style.position = "auto";
    document.getElementById("text").style.color = "blue";               
<h1 id="text" onmouseover= "mouseOn()" onmouseout = "mouseOff()"> Move the cursor over the text to see it change </h1>

You most likely just need to use fontSize and fontFamilly to make this work您很可能只需要使用fontSizefontFamilly来完成这项工作

function mouseOn() {
 document.getElementById("text").fontSize = "22px";
 document.getElementById("text").fontFamilly = "Font Familly";

and then revert it on mouseOff :然后在mouseOff上还原它:

function mouseOff() {
 document.getElementById("text").fontSize = "initial font size";
 document.getElementById("text").fontFamilly = "initial familly size";

In your css, you can write在你的css中,你可以这样写

#text {
  position: auto;
  color: blue;
#text.changed {
  position: fixed;
  left: 300px;
  color: green;
  font-size: 20px; /* here goes your font size */
  font-family: sans-serif; /* here goes your font family */

Don't forget to make sure you have positioned #text 's parent (eg position: relative ), otherwise positioning on #text won't work.不要忘记确保您已经定位了#text的父级(例如position: relative ),否则在#text上定位将不起作用。

/* text's-parent { position: relative } */
/* #text.changed { ...the styles you need } */

Then, in js然后,在js

function mouseOn() {
function mouseOff() {


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